Backyard Ballerina

Group drop-off today with our five girls, but Addie didn’t wanna stand up with the big girls outside today…

Addison is still practicing her walking, but won’t quite do it it fully on her own. But she’s getting really super close!

At home tonight, Emmie left her poptart snack on the coffee table while she went to play (unbeknownst to me), and Addison found it while walking her laps around the table, and of course immediately stuffed it straight into her mouth!

Around lunchtime today, Jeff dumped in a pot roast & veggies kit I got from Aldi, into the crockpot, so when we got home, all I did was make some garlic cheese toast, then our dinner was ready! And of course we ate outside again tonight.

Emerson came home and changed into her leotard and tights tonight, and wanted to put on a little performance for us after dinner tonight. I put a kids ballet song on my phone, and she just went to town! (Please also notice the piece of garlic bread in her mouth in the first photo.)

We did bath after dinner, and Emmie let me gently rub her scalp injury a little more tonight than before, now that we’ve finally gotten the staples out. There is actually still some dried, crusted blood in her hair from last week, that we just can’t/don’t want to scrub hard enough to remove right now. It’ll come out eventually, and we’re just being super careful and safe right now still.

Jeff had to make a quick run to Home Depot for a few items to fix a random pipe leak we discovered outside tonight (oh the joys of homeownership), so I had both girls together during bedtime. Addison was flopping and crawling all over Emerson’s bed, but we made it through, and I got lots of loves from both my sweet hearts.

Jeff is already back home now, and he’s got himself a project to work on tomorrow, once it’s daylight again. For tonight, I’m not washing dishes, since we now know about the leak (it’s coming from the pipe right under the kitchen sink, outside the house), so it’s time for me to just go sit down and chill! It’s only 9:15 now, and it feels so early! 😉


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