Back to School Shopping

We did in fact manage to get the girls their bath, and showers for Jeff and I, and all still made it to church on time. And the girls looked so fancy and pretty and fresh!

We had a great morning at church – great music and a great sermon and a visiting missionary family from Nicaragua, that our missions team visited earlier this summer.

And then Emerson requested Culver’s for lunch, because she loves their chicken sandwiches, haha 🙂 She did in fact eat almost the whole thing, so that was good. And I just had to take another picture of the girls in their pretty dresses, without them holding all their things and their backpacks.

It was of course nap time for Addison after we got home from church and lunch. Yesterday, Grammy helped us by ordering Emerson’s 1st grade supply list from Amazon, and the first package came today. In it was her pencil case, so we had some fun selecting all the best stickers to decorate it, and then we had a quick 20-minute quiet time (for Emmie, that meant playing on her Kindle, and for me that meant short power nap).

Then I took her out for some more school shopping, and spending some more of her birthday money. This adorable little caterpillar money purse is genuine Italian leather that Aunt Jane brought back for her from her trip to Venice, and gave to her for her birthday. Emmie isn’t quite big enough to know how special this really is, but I’ll make sure we take great care of it until she’s bigger.

The Bealls Outlet over on our side of town has cut their inventory in half lately, and the entire back half of the store is completely open like this. So after walking to the very back to use the restroom, she just couldn’t help but do about 20 cartwheels on our way back up front.

We did find her a few new dresses and she picked out some books at Goodwill, but although she tried on a few pairs of shoes, we didn’t buy any of them. I’m off work all day Tuesday to take her to orientation, so we have plans to go to Walmart and TJ Maxx, and hopefully we’ll get lucky at one or both of those.

Emmie and I picked up the Walmart grocery order after shopping, and then raced home to beat the thunderstorm. Grilled cheese and tomato soup was perfect for this rainy night, and the girls both went to town. Emerson ate her entire sandwich, and Addie ate a little over a 1/4 of hers, which doesn’t sound like much, but for her that’s a lot, because she’s been eating such small amounts lately.

Oh Emmie and I also went to the Dollar Tree today, and among other things, we picked out this popcorn, and dang it was so good! The four of us devoured this small bag in about 2 minutes, and I wished I had a whole bag to myself. Definitely going back for more in the next few days.

This is one of the dresses we found at Goodwill today. And even though it was a size 6 and we knew it would be too big, Emerson is always wanting long dresses that go down to her ankles. And since it was only $3, of course we bought it, and we’ll just hang it in the very back of her closet, and see if it fits when she’s 8 😉

The girls had a lots of fun playing together after dinner, running around and trying on all of Emmie’s new clothes, and putting on backpacks and pretending to go off to school. It was finally time to get them ready for bed, so Jeff helped Emerson clean her room (and talked her down from a giant meltdown over nothing and everything), and I got Addie dressed in some mismatched jammies.

Ready to just sit and veg out for a bit before bedtime now.

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