This girl is so very sweet. She was just quietly sitting on the coffee table this morning, watching a video, and eating her pre-breakfast Pop-Tart appetizer. I don’t know how we got so lucky with this adorable girl!We had another great, super easy, smooth drop-off this morning. After eight days in her new class, I feel confident that this transition period has gone well, and that she’s officially settled with her new class and her new teacher. (Although of course we miss Ms. Q & Ms. Bridgett, but we get to wave at them when we pass their class.)
Would ya just look at this little one-tooth snagglepuss from last year?! Oh my word.
My boss surprised me by bringing me homemade chicken salad & croissants for lunch today, leftover from her daughter’s high school graduation party last night. Luckily, I had a couple other snacks stashed in the office, so I was able to make a meal from it, and it was so yummy! And have I mentioned yet this week how much I’m enjoying this book? If not, let me say it again. It’s really good.
And here are some of the photos from her teachers today!
Jeff ran home for just a few minutes after work, before heading out to do some IT consulting work for a lady we know. We took some time to wander around and explore the backyard together, because this girl loves to be outside, regardless of the super hot temps. She just loves it!
I can envision her as a teenager from this photo below. She looks so beautiful! And so grown up! Where oh where has my baby girl gone?!
Once Jeff headed out, I just heated up some leftover spaghetti (& more leftover naan), from last night. Super easy, super quick, super yummy, super few dirty dishes. 😉 We had a mommy-daughter dinner, while listening to Mozart for woodwinds on the record player. It was lovely!
And we were almost back to a normal bath time tonight. She was happy & playing, and things were going great. She wasn’t even wearing a swimmy diaper!
Then she started acting weird, and breathing weird, and right as I figured out what was happening, there was poop floating in the toilet…. So of course she freaked out and lost her mind and screamed for five minutes straight. Even though I scooped her out of the tub right away, and she wasn’t anywhere near it anymore. But we hadn’t even done the bathing part yet, so we had to drain the tub, clean things out, and start over. (First, I tried “showering” her, and she hated that.) But of course she cried through the whole hair washing & body bathing part too. As soon as she was out of the tub though, and dried & dressed, she was perfectly fine again! But now it looks like we’re back to square one with the bath issues… SOS please send help.
We took some time for a snack (this girl always wants a snack) and to calm down a little bit before bedtime. We also video chatted with Grammy & Papa at their house, and then Meggie, Bo & the babies. I read her bedtime books and loved her and hugged her and kissed her for a few minutes, and then she was ready to go to sleep in her crib after just a couple minutes of rocking. I finally remembered to use this face mask I got in my Grove box last weekend. Check it out… Isn’t it crazy?! The back even says something like, “place it on your face, now you look ridiculous, just go with it.” It felt good on my face, but now my face feels a little sticky. It’s starting to dry out more, but I might have to wash my face again before bedtime. We’ll see…
Remember a month or so ago when I bought some black sandals from Amazon? Well now I bought the tan sandals too. They have been super comfy, and so I figured I needed another color, so they would match all the things. I highly recommend these sandals. They’re only $20, but they look nicer. They’re slightly padded, and are perfect for Florida not just in the summer, but all-year-round, for this sandal-lover. (And yeah, I realize I sound like an advertisement for these sandals, but I did just sign up to be an Amazon affiliate, so if you buy something from one of my links, I’ll get a teeny tiny commission. So if you feel so inclined to purchase, thank you!)
Jeff is still out working on computers, and Emerson is sound a sleep, so I get some alone time, all by myself! Which is much celebrated for an introvert. So I’m off to light my favorite candle, and watch some Netflix. Night friends!
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