Afternoon Nursery Adventures

My teeny girl was super fancy at church this morning. She was wearing a new pink, floofy dress with gold stars, and she even had on white patent leather shoes, with tiny little heels. Unfortunately though, we didn’t get a picture of the shoes, because they were giving her blisters & we had to take them off. So she wandered the church barefoot after the service, but she didn’t seem to mind.

She was posing with the brick wall, like a tiny model.

But then she went running when she saw Grandmommie come outside!

We had a quick lunch at Zaxby’s with Grammy…

…and then this exhausted nugget fell asleep on the way home.

Will you just look at this sweet baby?! Those lashes! The pouty bottom lip! The squishy cheeks! I can’t handle her.

We got her out of her fancy dress and into a soft t-shirt, and put her to sleep in her crib around 1:15.

I changed into my soft clothes, and tried to watch a few YouTube videos about “how to wear foundation…” I did a test run last night, and just applied with my fingers. Today I tried with this little wedge sponge (that I already had in the cabinet), but it felt like it was just soaking in to the sponge. Clearly I don’t know what I’m doing, thus, the “how to” videos. But then I was concerned because those girls use like a billion products!

So I have a few questions for y’all… What brand foundation do you use? How do you apply it (fingers, sponge, brush)? And what other products do you use (i.e. – primer, moisturizer, etc…)?

Anyways, I put Tater Tot down for her nap at 1:15, and by 1:45, she was already awake? What the heck? We enjoyed about 20 minutes of sweet, quiet time just playing and reading, and hanging out in our soft clothes. (Daddy was sleeping off a headache.)

Look at my cute pregnant-with-triplets little sister! She is 22 weeks pregnant, and the baby girls are each the size of a coconut. They are now doing weekly doctors’ appointments, and yesterday they did the 3D ultrasound & got great videos and photos. They have also officially picked all the names, but I think they’re still keeping that under wraps for now.

Once Emmie was fully awake and ready to get going, we changed clothes, then picked up Grammy from her house. Then we went to Tallahassee Nurseries to take some Christmas tree photos. They didn’t have that many left, but we still got some cute photos. And Emerson just loved wandering around the place for about 30 minutes.

We took Grammy back home, and played at their house for a few minutes. Then after she fought me on it for 5-10 minutes, I got her to take another short, 40-minute nap.

And then when she woke up, she was still exhausted, and I think she’s cutting a new tooth, and so she screamed for about 30 minutes. She wouldn’t take a paci, or eat a snack, or drink some juice, or let me put her down. She was just inconsolable for so long. We eventually turned on Moana, and made a bottle of hot milk, and once she drank it she calmed down. It was rough for a while, but I think she was over-tired and the poor girl just had a little toddler meltdown. Daddy and I were both very patient with her, and just did our best to make her feel better.

Once she finished her milk and was all better, we went over to Jeff’s parents house for dinner. Nana had gotten her a nee Christmas bear, and Emmie loved it right away, of course! We had pot roast & mashed potatoes, and it was delicious. Emmie also had another tiny Halo clementine.

And Nana also couldn’t wait, and had to give Emmie her first Christmas present tonight. She loves her new tea set!

She was happy during dinner, and tea party play time, and then went up and down the stairs a few times. She was sooo tired though, so she was more than ready to go straight to bed once we got home. Jeff and I are gonna do a few of our usual chores (laundry & dishes), and then settle in for the night.

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