We started the day at the newest donut place in town, Shipley’s Donuts, for breakfast today.
We ate breakfast at home…
Emerson was cleaning up Addison’s hands when she finished eating.
Then Addison fell asleep in her swing, while we packed everything up…
And eventually we made it down to the Gulf Coast! We took longer to pack than planned, and Jeff installed Addison’s new big girl car seat we bought on Prime Day, and then we had to stop for lunch meat & cheese to make sammiches. But eventually, we finally arrived at Bald Point State Park for a day in the sand & sunshine! It started out gray & cloudy, but it eventually cleared up and it was blue & sunny & beautiful. Addison didn’t like being right on the edge in the breaking waves, but she absolutely loved being held out in the water. Emerson was just a jumpy, swimmy, brave little fishy, and loved every second of it as well.
Found this at Dollar General today, and it was a really yummy treat on the ride home.
Addison fell asleep in the car literally within seconds, and Emerson ended up sleeping for at least 30 minutes as well.
We unpacked the car and the cooler and the wet clothes when we got home, then loaded back up to try out this brand new Mexican restaurant, that’s only like a mile from our house. (This used to be Monk’s/Wells Brothers before, if you remember that.) And it was so good!
You can’t tell, because there’s practically a whole salad on top, but this is the carnitas sope, and I really loved it. Jeff got nachos, and those were really good too.
The girls took a bath after dinner to wash off all the rest of the sand and sunscreen. I got to open up a giant Amazon box with all my Prime Day goodies from earlier this week. Some practical stuff (all the soap & cleaning spray & swiffer pads & stain spray & my favorite pens), new headphones that Emmie needs for kindergarten, and makeup (some of it is my usual stuff that was on good sale, and some new stuff I just wanted to try out). It looks like a lot, but all of this was only $100, so that’s a pretty good deal!
Emerson wanted to try out my new lipstick, and she was beautiful.
I texted the photo to my friend Heather who I told about all this the other day, and her response was, “Christmas in July!” And that was just so fitting, since Addie is wearing Christmas jammies tonight! (You can see just a little bit of pink sun-kiss on both of their cheeks, but I definitely got the most sunburn today.)
I can NOT handle these baby blue eyes! Both my girls have the most beautiful blue eyes, and I love it so much.
We put brand new clean sheets on our bed tonight we got at Costco with Nana a few weeks ago, and they’re so pretty, but I forgot to take a picture. (Makes me really want a new comforter/quilt now though, because our old one seems so blah next to the new sheets.) Addie fell asleep easily while Daddy rocked her, and Emmie is currently cuddling with Daddy while I write this post. I’m sure she’s already fallen asleep with him (he probably is asleep too), so I’ll go pick her up and take her to her room for the rest of the night now.
I’m in desperate need of an at-home pedicure, so I’m going to go take care of that while watching something on tv, and then I’ll be ready to pass out for bedtime soon too.
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