Hide & Go Seek

Grammy got these happy little girls dressed for church this morning, after their sleepover last night.

Then after church, we all went to lunch together at Willie Jewel’s BBQ. I ordered the sausage sandwich for the first time (and got sweet potato mash, also for the first time), and everything was really good. I shared my sweet potatoes with Addison, and she loved them too.

When we got home, Emerson and I took a nap together, and both of us slept for about two hours. Addie didn’t sleep too long, so Jeff played with her so Emmie and I could rest more.

Then we headed over to Nana and PopPop’s house for playtime and dinner time.

Ham, homemade mac & cheese, buttered corn, salad (Nana even bought my fave Olive Garden Italian) and Hawaiian rolls.

Playing hide & go seek…

The most delicious chocolate éclair cake for dessert.

Emerson had an absolute meltdown when we told her it was time to leave and head home, so Emerson already made plans with Nana for next weekend. Then halfway home she realized she had put down her snacks somewhere and forgotten them there, so that was another meltdown. So we had some special cuddle times at home. She decided she just needed to eat some cheese in bed and watch tv to help her feel better. And dangit if that didn’t sound exactly like something I would do…

We read a bedtime book and had lots more loves, and then she was worn out and ready to go to sleep.

Addie girl needed to finish her bottle, and then I got her to sleep as well.

Now, I think I might just snuggle up with some cheese and a blanket, and watch some of our favorite YouTube “friends” with my hubby. (We also watch these friends, and these friends every week. No, we don’t know them, but we’ve been watching their channels for years, and sometimes it feels like we actually do know them!)

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