Yes, Chef

Both girls were still very tired from our late, busy night at at church last night, and both girls needed to be woken up at 7am today. But then they were just as sweet as always.

Today was Frother’s Daughter day at the office, and I got the “Cinnamon Roast Crunch (Taylor’s Version)” and it was absolutely delicious. Probably my favorite coffee from her truck.

And even though Addie had been sweet this morning, she started off good…

But then she started having a rough day around late-morning, was teary and whiny, and wouldn’t eat lunch. So they took her temp, and she had a little fever. So once I got the call at noon, I headed to pick her up, but she had already fallen asleep for nap time when I got there. Even though she didn’t feel good, she was so cute and I loved getting to see her on the little cot.

She fell asleep again on the way home, and then as soon as I got home, all I did was walk straight back to her room to lay her down in her bed, where she continued to sleep for another 2+ hours. After I laid her down, I made myself a late lunch, watched a Netflix show while I ate, and then washed up some dishes.

Then Jeff came home to be with Addie, because today was my day to take Emerson to her gymnastics class. She was the “line leader” for their warm-up laps, and girl was sprinting; the other girls could barely keep up with her! Today was the last class of this 7-week summer session, and she really has improved and grown so much during this class! There’s about a month break before fall session starts in mid/late August, and we’ll see if we can work out schedule/registration to get her back in again in the fall.

Nana actually came to watch today for a while too, and brought her some gummy bears for her after-class snack.

When we got back home, Addie had been awake for a little while, hanging out with Daddy, but then she just wanted to snuggle up with Mommy on the couch, where she fell back asleep for a short little cat nap.

Then it was time for me and my adorable little sous chef and me to make dinner together. We made “Grammy’s recipe” for poppyseed chicken, which she used to make this all the time for us when we were growing up. She made it for Emmie when she had a sleepover a few weeks ago, and Emmie loved it so much. I hadn’t actually ever made it myself, but since we had some extra time tonight (it needs to bake for about 40 minutes), we planned ahead and made it tonight, and it turned out so stinking good! Emmie really was the best helper, and she did quite a lot of this. She kept telling me what to do, so I kept responding with, “Yes, Chef,” about a 100 times. (IYKYK)

She was so proud of herself, and she really was the sweetest little helper!

Addie joined us at the table, but she really only ate like, one bite of rice, and nothing else.

Then unfortunately Addison thew up (it was really just liquid and herĀ oneĀ bite of rice) after dinner. She still acted fine after that, and ate like one chip and drank some more water, and then very sweetly cuddled up again. We watched Bluey together, then Addie fell asleep very easily for Daddy, and Emmie and I did her bedtime routine together. I’m staying home with Addie tomorrow, and we’ve already got an appointment at the pediatrician’s office first thing in the morning to get her all checked out.

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