Started out the morning with some McDonald’s breakfast in the hotel room, before packing up the cars. The boys came to join us on this trip, so once they were dropped off and their bags shoved in the last remaining inch of space, we set off for the relatively short trip from Rock Hill, SC to the mountains of West Virginia!

About an hour and a half into the trip, we had a great rest stop at the Virginia welcome center, where the girls just had a Grand Ole time.

Addison slapped this giant bumper sticker directly on her chest all by herself (where it stayed until 8pm when we finally pulled it off), and Emerson couldn’t get enough slobbery loves from this super sweet (bit ginormous) dog, named Mellow.

After a very fast, late lunch at Wendy’s, we made it to West Virginia in no time at all! Both of Jeff’s parents grew up here in Hinton,WV (they lived across the street from each other, and we’re high school sweethearts!) and lots of their siblings still live up here in the surrounding towns.

We had to drive up a pretty steep mountain to get to Jeff’s Uncle Alfred’s house, but look at this beautiful, pastoral view coming down his driveway! He owns 100+ acres up here, which is practically his own mountain, and it’s incredibly picturesque.

We spent some time catching up, then got the cars unloaded, and then we had to go exploring the property a little bit. Jeff took the girls for a nice long walk and they picked these adorable wildflowers, and we put them in the cutest vintage creamer dish, which just so happened to coordinate perfectly. (And which honestly, I want for myself!)

It sprinkled a little bit so we found refuge on the front porch for a bit (the weather was a perfect 73° and overcast), and then all of the flowers up near the house looked beautiful covered in rain drops.

All four of my mother-in-law’s siblings were here tonight, and they all worked together to make ham and all the sides for dinner. Then we all took turns riding the mule all around the mountain. The girls had the most turns with Daddy, but Ryan also got a chance to drive it himself.

It’s just so beautiful up with here, with lots of cool stuff all around the house and property. Can’t wait to share more this week!

These baby girls have been running WILD since we got here around 3:30, and Addie only had a little 45-minute car-nap this morning around 11am. So by the time the Aunts all left for the evening, and we got their tiny blow-up beds ready, they were more than ready themselves to just “test them out.” Addie whined for daddy just a tiny bit, but after one lullaby, and one verse of Jesus Loves Me, both were completely silent and totally asleep.

Jeff is staying up chatting and hanging out a little longer, but I stayed in here with the girls to help out with their bedtime, and write this post. It’s creeping up towards 10pm already though, so I’ll read just a little bit, then drift off to sleep soon myself!
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