White Christmas Trees

We were excited for Friday today!

For the Q bag show-&-tell today, Emerson came into the kitchen with an armful of baby dolls, and asked me, “How many is it for quintuplets?” First of all, I was SO proud of her for coming up with that idea, but we knew we couldn’t take five baby dolls. So I just helped her come up with Plan B, to find something smaller that she could bring five of. But wow, what a great idea she had, and such a big word for her to know & have remembered!

My friend Heather and I went to Marshall’s together today to do some Christmas shopping, and we ran through the Bojangles drive-thru on our way back to work to grab these delicious sandwiches for lunch.

Spotify always does the fun “wrapped” thing every December, and today, YouTube music finally tried to copy it a little bit, and this is the very bare-bones recap I got today. But clearly, listening to music with Emmie took spots #2 & #3, although my girl T-Swift was still at the top.

The girls had a good day at school, and Emmie made “reindeer chow” in her class.

I got stuck at work a little bit late today working on last-minute emergency, so Jeff went to pick up the girls from school.

And I picked up Jimmy Johns’ sammies for dinner. But I didn’t wanna pay an arm and a leg for JJ’s chips (it’s literally like $4 to add chips & a drink), so I stopped by Dollar Tree for a few bags of chips/snacks instead.

Addie had some of her chicken & rice baby food, but that girl has no chill when waiting to be fed! She literally whines between bites if I take just a few seconds too long (heaven forbid I take time to take a bite of my own dinner!), and she just cracks me up with how worked up she gets. So I took a video tonight, but excuse all the random background noises…



Addison was still starving for her bottle of milk after dinner, so I got that ready to feed her, and Jeff and Emerson took a little walk to see some Christmas lights a few houses down.

When they got back, Emmie and I put together some cute little white trees that my boss Tammy gave me (she was getting rid of them and asked if my girls would like trees in their rooms), and they turned out so cute! We used some our leftover ornaments (and she took a few randoms off our big tree), but we don’t have any lights on white wires/strands, so we’re gonna try to find some of those tomorrow, but they’re cute for now, just as-is!

Emerson and I had some hot cocoa and read another Christmas book together in our coziest chair by the tree. We got Emerson down really easily for bedtime tonight, and Addison had been asleep in Daddy’s arms for a long time already, so I just snuggled her for a bit, and then laid her down in her bed.

SO GLAD that I don’t have any dishes or anything to wash tonight (just bottles, every day), so I get to just cuddle up on the couch and chill for the rest of the night, watching a Christmas movie with my hubby, with my blankie and a snack! I didn’t actually eat any chips with my dinner earlier, but those garlic parm pretzels are calling my name.

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