Look at how precious my baby Munchkin is! I love this first photo. Her eyes just look so sweet, and I just love it.
The baby girls came later than usual today, but even without them, Emmie had a good drop-off this morning at school.
I had planned to order a tuna sandwich to be delivered to my office from Goodies Eatery today. But when I called them, they hadn’t actually made any today, whatever that was about… so I decided to brave the cold & the sprinkles and head down to Kosta’s to get their tuna. When I ordered, he was like, “You came here for the tuna?! You like my tuna?!” Little does he know how very much I’m into tuna lately! A bit of a tuna obsession, to say the least. But yes, I do think his is probably the very best in town.
My baby girl is 21 weeks now, and the length of a carrot, and the weighs about the same as a can of soda. She now has eyebrows and can swallow, and has her own fingerprints! I’ve started feeling more and more little flutters and movements, so I’m loving that.
So many cuties all listening nicely for circle time, but that one with her hood on is certainly the cutest!
We received a special little envelope in the mail today, addressed to Emerson, from my friend and old college roommate, Bridget. Her note said it was a combined surgery & Christmas gift, and she sent an extremely generous gift card to the American Girl store. Emmie was so excited, once we explained what it was! And while we don’t have a store here in town, I’m sure she’ll love to do a little online shopping sometime soon! Bridget, this means so much to me, and made me tear up and cry a little bit. Thank you so much for sending this to her!
For Christmas, my sweet mother-in-law gifted me this set of new pots & pans from the Pioneer Woman, which she got on an amazing deal on Black Friday. Things have been so chaotic, that I hadn’t busted into it yet, but I finally got around to it tonight, and I’m so excited to start using these!
I decided to break in the first pan, by making grilled cheese in the cast iron skillet, and they turned out perfect.
To go with our delicious grilled cheese, we had this equally delicious store-bought tomato basil bisque. This was my first time buying this, but it was so good, and tasted homemade. I bought two of them, but we only heated up one, and split it, and that was perfect.
Emmie started by dipping her sammich into ketchup, but saw me dipping mine into the soup, and decided she wanted to try that too. And turns out, she actually really liked the soup too!
When Jeff got her the Lunchable at Walmart yesterday, he grabbed these yummy sugar cookies too, and we busted into them tonight. Well, Jeff and Emmie ate one, but I was too full from my 3/4 of a sandwich & half a bowl of soup… my pregnancy appetite is so weird.
After dinner, I had finally officially had ENOUGH of the Christmas tree and mess from everything else, and it had to GO. So I sat in the floor to organize and re-pack all of this stuff, while Jeff took down & boxed up our old tree. He found some replacement lights in the box, and was considering trying to change out the blown lights, to see if he could get it working again. I told him he could if he wanted to, but not until next year, because for now, that thing needed to be put away, asap.
I wanted to get all the stuff up into the closet before Emmie’s bedtime, but it took too long, so we’ll do that part tomorrow… (This all goes in the boys’ closet, which shares a wall with Emmie’s bedroom, and it would be too loud trying to do it while she slept.) But for now, I’m so glad to have things put back together like normal, and have the tree put away again.
Emerson did really well at bedtime, and we got her down with almost zero issues. I washed up a load of dishes that had been collecting for the last few days, and Jeff’s been folding a couple of loads of laundry. I think it’s probably time for me to grab one of those sugar cookies now, and a glass of milk, and settle down to rest on the heating pad, because my back is sore after all the work I finally found the motivation to take care of today!