My girl was looking extra cute in a new little dress for school today. Especially with her sweet little purple boat shoes.For lunch today, I had some more of that delicious coconut & chicken curry ramen that I made last night. I even took a bag of chopped up fresh cilantro to top it with. And the leftovers were just as yummy today! I will definitely be making this again sometime.
And Emerson did SO GOOD in her new classroom today! She started in her regular classroom at drop-off this morning, and then after breakfast they took her next door to play in her new class. Since it was her first day of transition, her new teacher Ms. Kristin sent us TONS of photos and updates throughout the day, and I loved it! She even ate lunch with them, and then napped over there too.
But apparently she had some sort of diaper explosion this afternoon, and made a mess all over her dress. But I didn’t have a spare outfit in her bag (it had been in there for months and I just took it out last weekend to wash it & forgot to put it back today), so she ended up wearing some mis-matched clothes out of the bin from school! So she has on giant pajama pants & a random t-shirt. I think she looks hilarious!
She had a really great day, and when I got to school to pick her up, all of the staff and teachers were telling me how good she did, and that she had so much fun! Ms. Kristin sent us a wonderfully detailed report, and I loved reading all of her notes! I’m sure it won’t be this detailed every day in her new room, but I was really impressed, and very much appreciated all of this on her first day in the new room! (Please make sure to read the “moods & observations” section, because there’s a funny little nugget right in the middle of things 😉 )
She had been outside on the playground when I got there, but once again made us walk all the way back to her classroom to get her cups, even though I was already carrying her bag with all of her cups. But she even walked to the new classroom, instead of her old one, and I was impressed that she knew/remembered, after only one day! She’s the smartest baby girl.
Jeff had deacon’s meeting at church tonight, so Emerson and I picked up dinner in the Taco Bell drive-thru, and went to Grammy’s house! We also got to see Papa before he left for the deacon’s meeting too. Emmie ate a cheese roll up, dipped in the BBQ sauce from McDonald’s my parents had on the table. She is just so funny to me!We stayed and played for a while, and Emerson was just doing so many silly, cute, adorable little things, and honestly just making me crack up at so many things. She kept repeating this funny little song about, “bicky-vicky-picky-bicky.” And even though I couldn’t really figure out what she was saying, she just kept on singing it, and I was cracking up! She also put on Grammy’s socks and tennis shoes, and tried to walk around in them, but couldn’t quite manage it.
We left Grammy’s house in time to read books and get ready for bed, and I just let her wear the PJ pants she already had on.
At the end of reading two books, she started asking for gummies, but we were already trying to lay down. I’m pretty sure it was just a stalling technique to avoid going to sleep, but she got all upset about it. It took a little longer than usual to get her to calm down for bed time, so I sang her a few songs, and rocked her for a while. After about 10 minutes, she got limp and heavy and sleepy and so sweet. I was able to lay her down in her crib, and she rolled over and cuddled up, and she’s now sound asleep!
Jeff literally just walked in the door as I wrote that last sentence, so it’s perfect timing to get spend the rest of the evening with my hubby, just relaxing together!
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