Addie woke up around 6am today, so I got up with her, and Emmie woke up around 7am, and then we finally woke up Jeff around 8am. We had at-home breakfast sandwiches again today, and both girls ateĀ almost their whole sandwich.
After breakfast, Emerson and I went out running around to three different thrift stores. Monday is “book character day” at school and she wanted to be “Pretzel” the dog from the “Pretzel” book, so we were going to try to thrift an all-brown outfit, and then make ears for her to wear, and “decorate” the shirt. But we couldn’t find any of the things we were looking for. Instead, we found a Carter’s swimsuit for Addie for next year, and this pair of embroidered shorts for Emmie, each for only $3.
And our biggest & best find of the day was the FSU cheerleading uniform in Emerson’s exact size, for only $6! Of course she had to crawl in the car and change into it immediately!
While we were out shopping, Addison fell asleep with Daddy, without even having any lunch or anything. So he laid her down in her crib, and he laid down for a nap himself.
Emmie and I had lunch and rest time (she watched “Trolls” and I read my Kindle book), while the other two napped.
We ended up having to wake Addison and Daddy up from their naps eventually, so that we could go to a birthday party for one of Emmie’s school friends. Emmie basically ran wild the whole time and we barely saw her, but instead we spent the whole 1.5 hours chasing Addie Pie around, trying to keep her safe and happy and entertained.
We went to two more thrift stores over on the North side of town while we were out & about, looking for brown clothes, or books/puzzles/lamps, but ultimately didn’t buy anything else.
After that, we planned to go to the Goodwill on Capital Circle (that would have been our sixth thrift store of the day!), but both girls fell asleep in the car. So we parked in their lot and just sat there while they slept, and even I ended up falling asleep for a little bit too. Eventually we just left without going in, and went dinner at Grub Burger, because Jeff was real
We shared these buffalo bleu cheese fries, and I also got the bleu cheese burger with the caramelized onions, and it was so good.
Then we made a super quick run into TJ Maxx to make a return (and I bought someone a birthday gift that I plan to hang on to for the next 10 months; really hoping I can remember that!), before finally heading back home.
We had some down time to just play and hang out when we got home, and then the girls played around in the bath until the water was cold and we had to pull them out and wrap them up just to get them warm again.
Then as usual, Emmie and I did her bedtime routine together with books and devotionals and prayers and lullabies, all while Jeff rocked Addie to sleep in the recliner after her bedtime milk.
We were up and moving and walking for the majority of the day today, so my legs and feet and ankles are tired and achy now, and in much need of some rest time now tonight finally!
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