The Perfect Spring Day

Today was another long, full day, but it was a great day! We started the day with a little preschool music time with Emmie’s church friends, and it was so cute to see so many little friends and families!


I had some more cornbread for breakfast, toasted with strawberry jelly on one side, and it was delish.


And then we also watched some Jesus Loves Me videos, because she can never get enough of that song. And then we watched Uncle Bo and Aunt Megan lead children’s church for their church, and Emmie said, “Uncle Bo is kayzee”!



After all of that, I did Zoom with my Sunday school class. Jeff was actually at church running the video camera for the livestream, so he joined us for SS from church, and he was the only one in our class actually at church, during this crazy quarantine! We tried to watch “big church” afterwards, but the Facebook stream cut out after only 8 minutes, and the website stream was wonky today, and Emmie was quite antsy by this point anyways.


So we did a load of laundry, and went to get yesterday’s mail from the mailbox, and lo & behold, we found a letter addressed to Miss Emerson Pullen in the mail! She was so excited to get a letter in the mail from Grammy!



Then we went on a tiny walk down the street, because I told her the yard trash hadn’t been picked up yet, but she needed to see with her own eyes that they were still there.


We also found a palm branch (well, the biggest palm branch ever) to hang on our front door for Palm Sunday. We couldn’t all be IN the church today, but soooo many people hung palm branches on our doors today to show we may be physically isolated, but we are not separated, we are united as the body of Christ!



And then Emmie had a little PB&J, strawberries, and chips for lunch.


I put her down for her nap after she finished her lunch, and she was pretty tired. I had some leftovers from Super Perro’s for my lunch, and then started washing a few dishes. But a little less than an hour after she went down, she was already awake and calling for me to come get her. So that didn’t last long!

We made a quick trip to Publix (without touching anything unnecessarily), to get coffee creamer (definitely a necessity for me), and we scored some shortening too. I was also looking for rapid rise yeast, but it was all gone. So looks like I’ll be making some homemade biscuits sometime soon, with the shortening, but not the rosemary bread I wanted to try…

And then we spent almost the entire afternoon outside! We cleared out this nice little area where we were working yesterday, and it’s kind of like a little secret garden hideaway under there now. We hung out under there for a while, and it felt so magical!



And CAN YOU EVEN with these beautiful blue eyes!?!? Because I cannot!




Oh and Jeff came home sometime around lunchtime, and had brought Emerson some chocolate munchkins on his way home, so she wanted to eat them outside in our secret hideout.






I had packed a little tote bag full of books and a few toys, and we ended up staying out in the front yard for like, two hours! And it was just so beautiful and perfect. We saw lots of people walking and lots of little dogs, and our neighbor walking his dog stopped by to talk to us for a few minutes. And it was just so nice and great and perfect outside today!






Since it was so perfect outside, I wanted to be able to eat outside too, so I put this tablecloth out on the table. I’ve had this tablecloth for like two years, and we’ve never used it. It was still wrapped up in the plastic! (It’s a special one I ordered specific for umbrella tables.) Also, we really need to pressure wash the umbrella too.


We went inside for about an hour, just long enough for me to cook us this delicious frittata for dinner! We had fresh strawberries and toasted, buttered cornbread with it, and took it outside. And it was still so perfect. And the frittata was amazing. This is my third time making it, and I’ve really got the hang of it now. It’s delicious, and I really, really love it!





I wasn’t sure if Emerson would eat the frittata, so I had given her butter noodles instead. But then I told her it was sausage & eggs (both of which she likes), so she wanted to try it. And she ended up loving it! I gave her two bites with only eggs and sausage, and then I kept sneaking in bites with veggies in it, and she ate those too! (Also, please look at her hilarious chocolate milk mustache.)


And since it was early, and it still felt so perfect, we went back outside to hang out for a few more minutes before Emmie’s bedtime. We took a bedtime book out with us, and I read it to her once, and then she read it to herself a couple of times.



We had let her stay up a little later all last week, since she wasn’t waking up early for school. But tonight I got her started on bedtime earlier, so that I could get her to sleep at a good time, especially since she didn’t nap long today. She did pretty good at bedtime, and was ready to lay down after lullabies.

I had an actual crap load of dirty dishes to wash tonight, so it took me about 45 minutes, but I pushed through it and finished every single cup & each piece of silverware, and now my sink & counter is all clean, and I’m feeling very proud of that.

The afternoon spent outside and the delicious dinner were so great tonight. I loved getting to spend 12+ straight hours with my baby girl today! We had almost zero issues (and very minimal whining), and it was just so wonderful. I’m gonna miss her so much tomorrow when she’s back at daycare, and I’m back to full-time work. But today was so perfect!

Yesterday was a LOT of work around the house, and today was spent just resting and relaxing and playing, and it was a great Sunday. We got to spend so much time outdoors, and it just felt like the most perfect spring day!

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