Emerson successfully talked her Daddy into getting her a McGriddle for breakfast early this morning. Not that I minded that, because it meant nothing for me to do, except eat my own sausage mcmuffin 🙂
Addie-girl fell asleep on Daddy after he ate his breakfast, so I grabbed my coffee and headed into my “office” for the day.
Since it was Jeff’s turn to take care of the girls for a couple day, and my turn to telework, we set up the card table in the front room/office/boys’ room, with my work stuff and a lamp (and a small space heater since it was so cold first thing this morning). I had to elevate my laptop a little, and this old FRIENDS scene-it game box did the trick perfectly.
About mid-morning, it was nice enough for Jeff to take the girls outside, so they played around in the carport for a while, then loaded up the strollers and went for a walk.
This was actually Addison’s first time sitting in the stroller like a “big girl” instead of in her infant seat, and I couldn’t believe she was big enough for this! I didn’t even know Jeff had put her like this, until I saw the pictures when they got back at lunch time, and I was so surprised!
I loved coming out of my little cave and having lunch with Emerson, watching Frozen together, and getting to put her down for nap time, after cuddling Addison for a bit too. Then I gave Addie back to Jeff for her to nap with him again, and I went back to work for the afternoon.
Around 3pm, it started raining, and I was getting tired and it was getting darker, and my rear end was hurting in that crappy chair… so I got myself some cold coffee & chocolate chip cookies for a snack, to help perk up a bit. Emerson “loaned” me her calculator from “her office,” so I could use it if I needed it. The thing is, that’s exactly the crux of my job – I calculate inmate prison sentences, to make sure they serve the right amount of time. So I really do use a calculator all day, every day! So her sweet little gift was actually helpful 🙂
Jeff and Emmie put on masks, and the three of them made a quick run to Home Depot late this afternoon, but for what? I have no clue actually…
My afternoon of work ended up being very busy and chaotic and stressful, and I ended up working 15 minutes late. And by that time, my brain was fried after a day of work, coming off of 5 days off of work… I came out to see this girl just living her best life, with her Kindle and her Frozen headband/earphones, and a blanket on the couch. She cracks me up.
We let Emmie keep watching her Kindle, Jeff and Addie played in her room, and I took a late-afternoon shower.
Emerson did some “cooking” at the coffee table (which she pretended was her stovetop), and said she made “chicken bone con soup.” I have no idea what that is, but she was very serious about it.
We went super easy with hot dogs and mac & cheese for dinner, and then got the girls in the bath tub to splash around a little bit and get cleaned up. Daddy got baby Chickpea dressed in some new jammies she got for Christmas, and I got Tater Tot dressed in a hand-me-down nightgown.
Jeff fed Addison a bottle, and Emerson and I had Mommy-cuddle-times in our bed and watched Matilda. Addison fell asleep instantly, and then we started the bedtime routine with Emerson.
Emmie did really well with bedtime tonight, but Addison doesn’t want to be laid down or left alone in her bed yet, so we’ve been taking turns holding her for a while. Jeff just gave her another little “snack” bottle, and we’re hoping that helps satisfy her so she’ll go to sleep for good soon.
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