We did actually get to “sleep in” a little bit today, until around 7 am or so. I got up and started cleaning up some in the kitchen (from stuff piled up the last few days), and then made us all some egg sandwiches for breakfast.
Three of us ate at the table, but Emerson asked to eat at the coffee table so she could watch Spidey & Friends on Disney+.
After breakfast, Jeff and Addie drove to Walmart to pick up our weekly grocery order, and I cleaned up more dishes in the kitchen, while Emmie picked up some of her stuff in the living room. After they got back, and we got all the groceries put away, we went out to Grammy’s house, to visit her after her surgery this past week. Emmie colored her these fun pop-up cards, and even wrote “Grammy” on one of them for her, which we were all impressed with.
Grammy is mostly just sitting still in a chair or recliner (not reclined), but she does have to get up and walk around the house as much as she can. So we took a few laps up & down the hall with her & around their kitchen island, but mostly we just sat and chatted and she watched the girls play. She’s doing pretty well, but is still in pain, and still has a loooong recovery ahead of her. Please keep her in your prayers still!
I was jealous of her $6 coffee-themed nightgown she was wearing, so we made a quick pit stop out at “their” Walmart, to find one for myself. Emerson told me to look out for some short sleeve jammies for her too, so I let her come in with me, and she got SO excited to find these Spidey & Friends jammies! She was like, “These are probably for boys, but that’s OK.” So I said, “Yes sweet girl, you can wear whatever you want baby.”
When we got back home, I threw together a quick hodge-podge lunch for everyone – leftover lasagna for Jeff, Asian salad for me, Lunchable for Emerson, and diced salami & provolone for Addison. Then I put Emmie down for her nap, I started watching YouTube videos on tv with Jeff, but quickly fell asleep on the couch, and Jeff held Addie for her entire nap.
Once we all woke up, we did a super fast speed clean around the house (Emmie cleaned the living room, I cleaned the kitchen & vacuumed the living room, Jeff worked on laundry), and then Emmie asked for a mani/pedi.
After just a little bit more playtime at home, we went out to meet Jeff’s parents for dinner at Jason’s Deli, because I was craving their salad bar again. I completely loaded my plate down, and then added alllllll the goodies around the tray. I honestly got way too much food, and couldn’t finish all of this, but every bite I had was delicious.
We got the girls straight into the bath once we got back home, and Emerson did this to her hair, and she said she looked like Baby Moana.
Now, these may indeed be boys PJ’s, but doggone it if she ain’t adorable in ’em!!! And so now I’ve been calling her Spider-Girl all night.
Both girls did well at bedtime, and we got them down easily. I’ve got just a few minutes left in my current episode of Survivor. Then, I’ve got to go fry up some breakfast sausage now, to save for the morning, when I put together a breakfast casserole to take to our Sunday school class tomorrow.
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