Soup & Selfies

Last night before bed, the boys hid Sheppy in the Christmas tree, and Emmie was very excited to find him this morning before school.

Emerson was actually ready and excited to go to school today, and so we had a super easy, really great drop-off!

I am now 15 weeks pregnant, and Little Bebe is the size of an apple, at 4 whole inches, and 2.5 ounces. So tiny!

I had a pre-natal appointment with my OB today, just for the routine check-up, and things looked good. I didn’t get an ultrasound today like I was hoping (I was really hoping we’d get lucky and find out the gender today!), but I did get to hear the heartbeat, which was very strong and in the perfect range. And this Christmas tree in the hospital atrium was so humongous!

I was finished with my appointment early, and got to pick up Emerson early too, at 4pm. We made a quick stop by Nana’s office to see her (since her building is literally right next door to school, and she was actually in the office for one day instead of WFH), and then we headed home too.

We snuggled on the couch and watched a little bit of “Paw Patrol,” and then I decided to actually cook dinner. I hadn’t planned on cooking tonight, but Emmie didn’t want “restaurant food,” and Jeff was going to get home from his travel day with the boys earlier than we thought. So I figured out something I could make with what I had on hand, and came up with an Instant Pot version of lemon chicken orzo soup, which turned out delicious!

Had to cut a sprig of rosemary from our front yard bush of course, which is my fave.

I buttered and toasted a few slices of store-bought sourdough bread, which was also super yummy.


Jeff actually got home right as I was finished up dinner, so that worked out perfectly. Emmie doesn’t always love soup, but she really did tonight! She kept saying, “Mmmm, this is so good, Mommy!” And I felt like I had really done a great job! 🙂

She ate her entire little bowl, and then I gave her two giant spoonful’s out of my bowl, which she ate as well.

We had some coloring time and playtime after dinner, and then cuddled and watched a few videos together before her bedtime. She was wearing her Christmas jammies, and I was wearing my new Christmas nightgown, so we took a few selfies together, and she made some great faces 🙂

There are only minimal dishes from tonight’s meal, but I don’t feel like washing them. So I’m just gonna light a candle and plop on the couch to rest. And maybe grab a dessert snack or something, you know, for Bebe 😉

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