Sweet baby girl was finishing up her pink milk from last night, for her pre-breakfast snack, plus some fruit snack gummies that she ate in the car.
Photos from school.
Sadly, my sister won’t be returning to Growing Room after her maternity leave. I knew this already, and she warmed me earlier today specifically that this email would be coming out, but when I read it I still cried. I loved seeing her every day, even for just a few minutes, and I loved that Emerson got to see her too. It’s just so bittersweet!
So today, they packed up her desk stuff in a little cardboard box, and I brought it home for her.
Our choir director is still on the church trip to Israel, so we didn’t have choir tonight. So Emerson and I did a little Mother’s Day shopping at TJ Maxx! I had snacks in my purse for her that I kept whipping out, in order to keep her occupied and happy riding in the buggy. But then we went down the snack aisle, and we ended up needing to open a bag of veggie chips right off the shelf!
Daddy finally met us there towards the end, and she got to run around while I browsed a little bit more. Plus she tried out this super cute tiny chair.
We had dinner at Five Guys on the way home. We would have eaten out on a Wednesday anyways, so we figured, why not?
And then when we got home, Emerson opened up her food truck for some late night work she needed to do.
And while reading her books, Emmie was just casually eating some gummies for a bedtime snack.
I can’t show you most of what I got at TJ Maxx, because it’s for people who read this here blog, but here are the few things I got for myself. A heel scraper thing (I have terribly rough feet), my fave crispy chick peas, and a hanging faux succulent from the clearance section.
And I got in another Grove Collaborative order today! I got a large refill of the shower spray cleaner that I got in my first box last month, Seventh Generation glass & surface cleaner, and four more Mrs. Meyer’s soaps/cleaners, in four new-to-me scents. I’ve already put the watermelon foaming soap in the front bathroom and used it, and it smells so good! Like a watermelon Jolly Rancher! Plus, they sent me a free chapstick!Also, since my friend Christi used my special link when she ordered a few weeks ago (thanks girl!), I got a $10 credit towards this order. So all of this was only $16! If anyone else is interested in trying this out, click here to use my code, which will give you $35 of free products, and give me a $10 credit! (Edit – I later noticed the yellow bottle is backwards, and my OCD-self hates it.)
I wasn’t planning on doing any of my spring cleaning tonight, just to give my a night off after a few crazy days, but I decided to go ahead and try out the glass cleaner on our giant sliding glass door. (Only half of the full door is pictured below – it’s a little over 8 feet wide!). I actually only cleaned the inside, but it looks so much better already! And I’ll do the outside tomorrow in the daylight. (Also, let’s just ignore the mess in the living room and the fact that I’m wearing my night gown.)
So here I am, excited about cleaning products again. Who am I becoming?!And now time for an episode of “Fringe!”
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