Red, White & Blue, Take Two

Growing Room is celebrating “Party in the USA Week” the entire week, so it was patriotic colors day for everyone today at daycare. And when I mentioned that last night, and said Addie could just re-wear her Tuesday outfit, Emerson asked if she could re-wear hes too, so obviously I said yes. Super easy outfit-planning today! And super cute red, white & blue girlies!

We were also very excited to see our triplets at school drop-off today too! (Please notice Addie’s shoes on the wrong feet. She did that herself in the car, and I just didn’t take the time to fix it when we got out.)

And it looks like Addie had a fun day at school!

Today I took off early from work to pick up Emerson and take her to her gymnastics class. They spent the majority of the class at the very back of the gym where I could only barely see them, but I did like watching her work on these bars for a bit.

Then we picked up Addison early from daycare, and went on home. We got home about an hour earlier than usual, so after a little playtime with the girls first, I got started on an Instant Pot dinner. Even though it’s called “instant,” it’s certainly not, and always takes so long to come up to pressure, I usually don’t use it on weeknights, because it takes too long. But with extra time tonight, I decided to do the curry chicken this way, and it was super easy, and the chicken itself was cooked perfectly, and everything was delicious. It did take 1.5 hours total, whereas I could do the same meal in the Dutch oven on the stove, in about 30 minutes, but this was way more hands off and less active cooking time for me.

I know it really doesn’t look like much, and doesn’t even have that much color, but I promise it’s super yummy and flavorful. I also kinda just made up the Instant Pot method for this tonight (after having the idea, I looked up a few videos of people doing it similar, but not quite the way I wanted to, so then I just did it my way and hoped for the best, which came out perfectly), so if you’re interested, I can share how I did it.

The girls got into the bathtub after dinner, and Jeff took out the trash and recycling while I got them washed and dried and dressed in clean jammies. They both had a little snack, and then snuggled up together on the couch to watch an episode of Bluey before bedtime.

I already washed up a giant load of dishes earlier while dinner was pressure cooking away, and although the sink is completely full again (from lunch tupperwares, and a fridge clean out before trash day, and tonight’s bowls), I’m also completely ignoring that tonight. Instead, I’m going to repaint my fingernails, which also needs tending to.

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