Pullen Family Christmas 2020

Y’all. The sky this morning! Emmie was asking about the sky and the sun and the clouds, and asked if the sun was waking up from sleep and said, “I think the clouds is it’s bed.”

Meg & Bo and the babies were a little late this morning, so we didn’t get to see them at drop-off. Emmie was a little sad, but I reassured her that the teacher would get her when they arrived, and she could still help take them to their class, and then she perked up at that.

Another beautiful cloud & sky shot, right near my parking garage at work.

Tiny Tot had a short nap today, but a good day other than that.

Today, I am 19 weeks pregnant, and Baby is the size of an heirloom tomato. I actually had a prenatal appointment today at the “regular” OB office. It was empty and weird and social-distanced, and I hated not having Jeff there with me. I didn’t have an ultrasound today, but she did use the little doppler thing to hear Baby’s heartbeat. She could also hear Baby moving around, and told me those multiple times, but I’m not actually feeling it yet. She said that’s normal though, especially if my placenta attached on the anterior again this time, like it did with Emmie the first time.

Oh, and I had my hemoglobin levels checked today, and my iron was just a little bit low. Normal levels are between 11-15, and mine was 10.5, so they gave me this handout of the best iron-rich food sources. So I guess I need to eat some more steak & potatoes (with cream) & spinach! I actually want to try making creamed spinach (I saw a pregnant girl make it on TikTok), so I’m thinking I’ll give that a go sometime soon.

After picking up Emmie from school, we headed to Nana & PopPop’s house to have dinner with them, and do Pullen family Christmas. Jeff and the boys met us over there just a few minutes after we got there. We were trying to decide what to pick up for dinner, when Emerson piped up and said she wanted the chicken with the red sauce. At first, I didn’t know what she was talking about, but Ryan figured out she meant sweet & sour chicken. So we ordered take-out from Tan’s Asian Cafe (our favorite Chinese restaurant), and had a Chinese food feast for dinner, and then opened Christmas presents together!

And someone got a hold of my phone and took about 10 selfies – here are just a couple of them.

We stayed a little late, but once we got everything packed up, we headed back across town towards home. Emmie needed a bedtime snack, regardless of the fact she ate a ton of Chinese food, so she grabbed some gummies and just lounged on my lap snacking, and then we read a bedtime book.

She did good at bedtime, and only called me back into her room one more time, to ask some silly question about her sound machine. She was fine after that, and then I’m sure she fell asleep quickly, since it was later than usual. While I’ve been blogging in the front room, I can smell the someone has heated up some of the leftover Chinese food, even though both boys ate quite a bit at dinner-time. (Teenage boys never quit eating though, obviously.) We started watching “Wonder Woman” last night (the 2017 one), so we’ll try to finish that up tonight, if I can stay awake long enough 🙂

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