Pink Lemonade, Peaches, Potter Puzzle

Emerson was working at the lemonade stand for missions today, and loved her little job of putting stickers on all the cups. We had to get ourselves another cup of pink lemonade too of course, which was yummy as usual.

I’ve recently started taking more photos at church, as Bo asked me to be sort of like an unofficial “content creator” to capture photos for them to share on the church’s social media pages. This was just one from today, but I really liked this one.

And look at these two beauties this morning!

We stayed at church later for Emmie to work the lemonade stand again after the service. Then we grabbed cheeseburgers from the drive-thru, and went on home to eat lunch.

And obviously it was nap time after that. Jeff got Addison to sleep, and Emerson put herself to sleep in her sleeping bag in her room,and Jeff took a nap in our bed.

I decided to have a little quiet me-time,by starting out with a cute Harry Potter puzzle (which came in a very cute little square tin) that Nana found on clearance for me recently. I did that and watched a show on my phone, then made myself a cup of coffee and read my current Kindle book for a while. Once I started getting too sleepy though, I just laid down on the couch and took a quick nap myself too.

Emmie wanted to help me with the puzzle a little bit once she woke up from her nap, and wanted our little stuffed Harry to hang out with us while we worked on it. Harry’s birthday is July 31st, so my goal is to finish it by then. It’s only 250 pieces, but it’s pretty tricky!

We sent Jeff and Addison to Walmart to get our grocery order, then we got everything put away once they got back. I whipped up some tuna for Jeff and I, and made up plates of random stuff for the girls (leftovers from lunch, goldfish, peaches, etc), and  they started doing some clean-up work in the living room. Then we ate dinner in the living room while we watched Frozen II.

We all worked together to finish cleaning up the living room, fold a load of laundry, and vacuum. Then it was time for jammies and Bluey all cuddled up on the couch together.

I need to go wash some dishes, and then I’ll try to work on the puzzle a little bit (we haven’t really made much progress yet – it’s a lot of faces!), and then I’ll probably read a little bit at bedtime.

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