
Started a new audio book on the way to school today, My Kitchen Year. This is my third book this year by this author, and I’m just loving all of them! She has been a restaurant critic for the New York Times and editor of Gourmet Magazine, and she’s also written 10 books. Most of her recipes are a bit too much for me (I mean they sound delicious, but are a bit above my skill & ingredient level), but I love listening to her talk about food!

This silly girl had a bit of a toddler tantrum right as we were leaving the house, because we gave her milk in a purple cup, instead of the green one. She had seen me put her empty cups in her school bag, and needed one of those, instead of the one that already had milk in it. She cried one & off on the way to school, and was still upset when we got there, so I just went ahead and poured the milk into the cup she really wanted. And then she wouldn’t let it go!

I didn’t have any food to bring from home for lunch today, so my work friend Toni and I went to Chi Chi’s for delicious Cuban food. I’ve tried multiple menu items here, and liked all of it. Today I had the palomilla, which is Cuban steak with grilled onions, served with rice & beans. And wow it was delicious. It was a bit tricky cutting the steak on a piece of paper, in a styrofoam to-go box, with a plastic knife, but the flavor was delicious!

Toni was also really patient and helpful, letting me use her food to stage a book photo for my Instagram, so thanks Toni! 🙂

Miss Kristin wasn’t at school today, so we didn’t get as many photos, but the ones were got are really cute!

This lady is actually the mama of a boy in her class, and she came to read to the class today. But my girl is all up in her lap, like the little teacher’s pet that she is!

Having a snack on the counter before dinner.

For dinner we had beef tips, rice & green beans, and everyone cleaned their plates!

We had lots of play time after dinner, since dinner was so fast & easy to make, and we let Emmie stay up 30 minutes later. So we had lots of fun running all over the house, playing with Daddy & brothers & reading books & doing all the things! Oh, and she was being weird and took off her romper after dinner. Then when she went to put it back on afterwards, she put it on backwards, but didn’t want any help, so backwards it stayed!

Oh and then she found her flamingo shorts she wore the other day, and needed to put those on over her backwards romper! This girl is just such a mess!

Daddy did some work on our vintage, hand-me-down record player, to fix the volume knob. Before, the only volume settings were barely audible or blast your eardrums, but now it works so much better, and we have way more control over it! Much better.



We put her nightgown on and started getting ready for bed. She found one flip-flop to put on, and carried her Irish baby doll around on her arm.

She found this doggie in the boys’ room, that has a vibration thing inside, and she was mesmerized by it. She just sat there being super still, hugging it vibrating on her chest.



Then she started pulling the sheets up around her, like she was tucking herself in with her brother.


We read her books, and said her prayers, and Daddy stayed to get her put down while I washed all the dishes. Jeff and the boys started a load of laundry (well, Jeff did it, and is teaching the boys), so we could ensure all five of us have the appropriate red, white & blue to wear tomorrow. And here’s my July calendar I’ve forgotten to share for a few days.


I’ve been watching an episode and a half of FRIENDS while blogging, and they just had a scene in an old video store, and wow, what a blast from the past! Not sure what we’re gonna do tonight now, but we have a four-day weekend ahead of us, and I’m so excited about it!

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