Reading is Groovy

Gilchrist has a special theme this year, of “Reading is Groovy,” and today was the kick-off. So they were supposed to dress groovy today – luckily Emerson had a tie-dye shirt that was perfect for today. And Addison was just a cute little cowgirl, in an old hand-me-down dress that was a gift from Grammy & Papa from a trip they took to Texas like four years ago.

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Farmer’s Market

First things first, we started out with some orange cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Luckily, Addison slept great through the night last night (after throwing up once at 5pm-something, and once at 7pm-something), and didn’t throw up again after that. She woke up happy and hungry, and ready to go! She had applesauce & toast & sugar-free Powerade, to keep things easy on her tummy, just in case.


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Pencil Skirt

Emerson was up early again, ready and excited to get dressed for another day of kindergarten. We’ve had this hand-me-down “pencil skirt” dress for a couple of years now, but it was too big. And then when she got to the point it would fit, I purposefully wanted to save it for when she started big girl school. And I’m so glad we did, because it was just perfect for her first week of school. I also think I did a great job on her hair again today, and she looked so beautiful!

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Emerson’s First Day of Kindergarten!

Well praise the Lord, our first kindergarten drop-off went so well this morning! (Thank you to everyone who said a prayer for us today!) We stopped by Growing Room first to drop off Addison. Then we took Emerson so Dunkin for a special donut breakfast with Mommy & Daddy, before putting on her first-day-name-tag, and heading over to hop in the car line.

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The Newest Grizzly Cub

Today was a teacher planning day for Growing Room, and of course Emerson has been out of school this past week, so I took the whole day off (Jeff took off a half-day) to take care of the girls. Just as we planned, we started the day off with Trader Joe’s hash browns for breakfast today. I made mine into “avocado toast” with friend eggs like I’ve seen people do on TikTok, and it was delicious.

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Park & Painting & Pandas

Since Addie had a fever yesterday and couldn’t return to school today, and Nana was already scheduled to take care of Emmie today, she volunteered to keep both girls for us. So since I didn’t have to go to daycare first, I decided to treat myself to Chick-fil-A breakfast on the way to the office. Their chicken breakfast burrito is so good, and I had to get an iced coffee to go with my home coffee, because I couldn’t fall asleep until 1am last night, and was absolutely exhausted this morning.

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