Making Slime at the Library

You guys – we slept until 9am today!!! Can’t even remember the last time I slept that late. Emerson said she woke up around 7, and played on her Kindle, but Addie was still asleep when we woke up, and just started stirring shortly after. Then Emerson helped me make some scrambled eggs for sandwiches for her, Addie and Jeff, and I made egg-in-the-hole for myself.

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Deep Conversations at the Waffle House

Daycare was closed today for a teacher-planning day,so Jeff stayed home with Addie. That meant I didn’t have to take any kids to school, and I just went straight to work. That also meant I wasn’t around to take the usual photos, and apparently Emmie just wasn’t in the mood for photos, so that’s what the weird faces were about.

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