Sideswiped My Car Mirror

Some days, I have only Emerson-related things to share. Today though, is full of a whole slew of random, fun things! So let’s get to it, even if the first thing isn’t exactly “fun” ….

Welp, my morning didn’t get off to quite the right start, and I officially feel like an idiot. I sideswiped a trash can with my passenger side mirror, and it came completely off my car. I was on one of those super skinny roads (just a few minutes from our house), and I was hugging the side as another car came towards me, and I didn’t realize how close I was to the trash cans on the side… I had to turn around and go back and pick it up out of the middle of the road. The whole thing was in three parts, and the mirror was broken and shattered. It can’t be salvaged, and will need to be completely replaced. I was so mad at myself for such a stupid thing!


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Butter Noodles

Sweet little girl had another good morning drop-off, with no tears or problems! On the way there in the car, she started saying Q, so I said “no Q is your old teacher.” But she said “no, Q, Q, Q!” I repeated myself, but she said, “Q dinner!” So I said, “oh you mean Aunt Suzanne?” (Her nickname Suzy Q.) And she said “yes! Dinner!” So then she told me all of our usual family dinner people, one by one! She loves her family.


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Counting to Ten

This pretty little princess had a perfect morning drop-off. We stopped outside for our usual morning-photos, and then she walked in by herself. She marched all the way down the hallway, straight into her classroom, and just went right for Ms. Sheila! She picked her up, and then Emerson turned around and waved bye to me! No fussing, whining or crying at all. And I practically skipped out I was so happy 🙂

(P.S. – don’t judge her super wrinkly skirt. I’m not an iron-er.)


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