Road Trip to Jax

Sweet little thing is getting pretty good at brushing her own teeth lately, although she certainly still needs a fair amount of help & supervision. 😉


At school today, she was just as happy & sweet as ever!





We grabbed her a banana muffin, and she took off running down the hall. Only to turn around and say, “Up, Mommy!” So of course I picked her up, so I could sneak a few extra kisses on the walk down the long hallway.


As we were hanging up her jacket in her classroom, the three little friends that were there already came over to chat with both Emmie and I, and she just snacked on her muffin, while listening to her friend tell me about his Daddy taking off his band-aid this morning.


At work, my African violet is still doing so well, and lots more flowers have opened up this week! It’s so pretty!


Leftover beef strogonoff and more “Little Women,” on my short, 30-minute lunch break, since I was leaving early again today…


Look at this adorable photo we got from school today!

I left the office at 2:45 today, picked up Emmie-cille, and headed to the pediatrician’s office, for her 2.5-year-old well check-up. Jeff met us there, and we got to see our friend Abby from church (who is Emmie’s doctor), and the appointment went well.

She had a great check-up, and is right on track. She’s still the absolute tiniest thing (22lbs, 5th percentile), but she’s had a growth spurt for height lately, and is getting so tall! She’s also super advanced as far as her language skills go, and Dr. Abby was very impressed with how much & how well she speaks & outs together sentences. She also said she could 3at ad many cheeseburgers as she likes, since it’s good protein for her, and she can’t even get her own 2-year-old son to eat any meat 😆

She got these stickers at check-out, and when I got her out of the car at home, she had put them all on her face like this!

Afterwards, we raced home to pack up the borrowed truck (everything was packed, placed in a pile in the living room), and leave my car at home. Then we set off on our way to Jacksonville! We decided we wanted to look at IKEA’s couches, but I didn’t feel comfortable buying online, without testing it out in real-life. So we decided to take a road trip to Jax to put our buns on some couches! Jeff’s Uncle Phil & Aunt Tammy live in Jax, so will spend the night at their house tonight, which gives us some travelling wiggle room tomorrow, and we get to see family! Side note – Uncle Phil was/is a part-time photographer, and he took our engagement photos in downtown St. Augustine (where I went to college, at Flagler College), back in 2013. Here are a couple of those…

Picture 604

Picture 606

So anyways, we got on the road right around 5pm (later than I wanted, but oh well), and headed east! Oh since I didn’t specify yet, we borrowed Jeff’s dad’s truck, so IF we buy something tomorrow, we’ll be able to bring it back with us.

And since the doc had given Emmie the green light for more burgers, we stopped for dinner and got this girl a burger! And she went to town on it!

We thought (hoped) Emmie might fall asleep in the truck after dinner, but no such luck. This Chatty Cathy stayed awake the whole way there, even though it was way past her bedtime. I tried to convince her she should rest, and the ride would go faster, and even though her eyes were heavy, she never fell asleep.

As I finish up this post, we are about 15 minutes from their house. When we get there, we’ll try to get Emerson to sleep as soon as possible, and then hopefully we’ll be able to stay up and chat with them for a while, before getting some sleep ourselves. Super excited about Swedish furniture and Swedish meatballs tomorrow!

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