Nature Walk, Sloth Socks & Igloos

Emerson loves helping with chores, and feeding Pretzel is one of the things she can actually do on her own, even with all of her post-op “sternum precautions!” She loves doing it, and I love watching her do it.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned it on here yet, but we’re keeping her out of daycare all of this week and next week, and maybe a little longer, just depending on how things go… So Nana will be coming over to our house to keep her the majority of the time, and Aunt Meggie will help out a little bit too. So while Jeff and I both got signed in on our work computers, Nana got Emmie going with some cereal and chocolate milk.

Then they just had so much fun doing so much stuff together! They started by going for a walk/stroller ride, and collecting all sorts of fun nature and leaves and pine cones, and bringing it back in a pot to show Mommy. They actually stayed outside for over an hour, or maybe close to an hour and a half, because she didn’t want to come home and the weather was so nice.






They played together for a little while longer in her room, and then Nana made Emmie a turkey sandwich for lunch around 11:30. (Look closely, and you’ll see me hard at work in the background at the dining room table.)



Nana actually signed on to our home computer to check some emails and do just a little bit of work, and I got to put Emmie down for her nap. She always thinks the flash is just the funniest thing!

I had about two minutes of quiet time after my own lunch and getting Emmie down, before I had to sign back on to my laptop. But the afternoon went rather quickly, and it wasn’t too bad. During our afternoon break, Emerson got to open up yet another gift, that was delivered to our house today – this tiny pink sock monkey sent from Jeff’s best friend/college roommate/best man, Adam.

(Oh and just for the record, she didn’t need that Snoopy bandaid on her chest, but she just had to have it. But we definitely won’t be putting another one on there again.)


And Nana made Emerson a fort in her big girl bed this afternoon!


When I finally got to sign off again at 5pm, I found these two outside playing together, but it looks like Nana was doing all the chalking, and Emmie was doing all the sitting. Haha 😉

We did the super easy Trader Joe’s Chinese food feast tonight, with egg fried rice, pork dumplings, chicken pot-stickers and chicken spring rolls. So yummy! Emerson ate like three or four “popstickers,” and made me pick out all the veggies from her rice, but requested extra corn in hers, so I had to pick the corn out of mine and put it in hers.


She found my comfy sloth socks and needed to wear them herself. I told her to pull up her dress a little bit to show me her socks, and she actually lifted it up like over her head the first time. I had to demonstrate it for her myself, and she got it right the second time.

We played for a little while after dinner, and then we changed the bandage on her chest again tonight. (Her actual surgery scar is uncovered, but the drainage hole has to stay covered until it scabs over and heals on it’s own.)

We read this super cute little bunny book that Aunt Meggie & Uncle Bo gave her yesterday, and we both loved it. Then we did the Snoopy colors book…

We had done her alphabet puzzle earlier tonight, and I was telling her about each letter, and something that starts with that letter, like “I for Igloo.” But she didn’t know what that was. I told her it was a super cold house made of ice, in the super cold parts of the world. But it didn’t mean anything to her. Then when we got to this page tonight, I pointed out the igloo, and she was like, “Oh, like the igloo on my surgery?” I said, “No, that’s just glue on your chest, not igloo.” It was just so cute and innocent though. She’s the sweetest!


We had gotten a couple new candles at IKEA last week, and I finally busted one out tonight. I don’t really know what scent it’s supposed to be, but it’s kind of deep & moody, and it’s making me want to just settle deep into the couch and stay there forever.

Time to watch some tv and just rest for a while before bedtime!

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