My Girls is Home From Camp!

Loved getting this pic of Emmie and her triplet cousins on their last morning of summer camp this morning! (Technically, the triplets aren’t old enough to go, but when your dad’s in charge of the whole camp, you get special privileges!)

We were up sorta early at home with Addie Pie, as usual. Jeff and Addie went to pick up our grocery order, and I fell back asleep on the couch while they were gone, and woke up to a Dunkin iced coffee & everything bagel 🙂

I spent some time tidying up the living room, and putting away all the groceries, and Jeff got our little pool blown up, cleaned out, and filled up, so it would be ready for this afternoon.

Addie basically just snacked and ate all morning long, so she didn’t really have an actual lunch. After Jeff got cleaned up from all of his outside work, he cuddled up with Addie and got her down for nap time…

And I went to the church to pick up my big girl from her first time away at summer camp! You can see how excited this sweet little face was as she came running straight up to Mommy! She had such a great time, and has been telling us stories all day long, giving us little snippets as she remembers them and as I ask questions. (Cuz you know kids can barely remember what they ate for breakfast, even if you ask them one hour later…)

Emmie and I picked up some Jersey Mike’s sandwiches on the way home, ate really quickly, and then Emmie went down for a nap. Poor girl was seriously exhausted after 4 days at camp, and she needed a nap! She actually ended up sleeping for about three hours, and Addie did too actually. I spent a little bit of their nap time starting on a puzzle, for the first time in a while…

Then the sunshine and weather was just too perfect and I was bored of waiting for the girls to wake up! So I put on my bathing suit, and went outside! I spent some time watering all of our flowers and plants and bushes and banana trees and our orange tree, and then got in the tiny pool with my Kindle and had just a little bit of time to myself 🙂

While I was out there from about 3-6pm, the was almost 100 degrees, and the UV index was around 11, and it was just hot and beautiful and I love these summer days. I made sure to reapply sunscreen on myself a lot, and the girls as well, once they finally got out there with me.

Today, I had the idea to bring out a tv tray for all of my stuff and that’s a small thing, but it was a great idea and I liked having that there a lot.

My girls did both finally wake up from their long naps, so Jeff got them dressed and brought them out, and we all had some nice fun family time out in our little pool together! We also had Daddy bring us a tub of fresh fruit from this morning’s grocery order, and we ate every bite of the grapes, cherries and white peaches. Perfect summer pool snacks.

We stayed out in the pool until after 6pm, just washed mine and the girls’ hair outside, and then put on some fresh jammies when we came back in. I used this store-bought chipotle chicken to make quesadillas, and some Uncle Ben’s ready rice, and dinner was ready very quickly and easily.

The girls love having a “picnic” like this in the floor, and always think it’s a special little treat. We watched Shrek 4 while we ate dinner, and both girls ate really well. Addie even ate an entire second helping of rice. But then both girls were still hungry, and needed like three more snacks before they finally felt satisfied.

Emmie wanted Mommy snuggles at bedtime, so I curled up in my bed with her, and she was so sweet and snuggly and glad to be home. She had a great time at camp, and had so much fun and lots of great stories. But every now and then, she would say so sweetly, “I’m just really glad to be back home now.” And we’re so glad to have her back! We had a great afternoon and evening together, and I just kept loving her and hugging her and making sure she knew I was glad to have her home, but also that I was glad she had such a great time.

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