First thing this morning, Addie and I were running out the door to the car. We weren’t planning to take pics, but Addie ran up to the steps and was like, “SISTER PICS!” So we hollered for Emmie and she came running outside, forgetting about her cereal on the counter, so she ran as fast as she could to the steps, I snapped the picture immediately, and she flew back inside before Pennie could sniff it out and steal it 🤣
So that’s why the poinsettia was knocked over, with no time to set it to rights. And it also explains the crazy look on Emerson’s face! She did in fact make it back in time before Pennie found her cereal though, so all was well!
These two are back in their selfie-in-the-car-dropoff-line-before-school era 🙂
The weekend before Thanksgiving, I made homemade roasted tomato soup, and froze the leftovers to save for a cold winter night. Tonight was perfect for that, and all I had to do was thaw it in the fridge for a few days, then heat it up on the stove tonight. I put together a little bacon Caesar salad and grilled cheese sandwiches to go with the soup. So, for the third night this week (unintentionally) we had soup for dinner.
Also, some friends of our came by the house the other day to get some oranges, and they brought us a few grapefruit from their own backyard tree. I’m the only one that likes grapefruit, but that means I don’t have to share them 🙂
The girls also had a little bit of the leftover chicken noodle soup from Nana’s the other day, but Emmie still wanted Mommy’s tomato soup for dipping.
After dinner, Jeff was working on building a website for one of his clients, and I washed dishes for a little bit, while the girls played together. Once we got them ready for bed, I sat down in the recliner to lay on the heating pad on my back for a few minutes. Emerson of course needed to snuggle up with her mama, and lo & behold my sweet, sleepy girl fell asleep all cuddled up on my side. She hasn’t just accidentally fallen asleep on my like this in a long time, but it was so sweet!
I think we’re finally about halfway through the third and final “Lord of the Rings” movie, so maybe we’ll be able to finish it up tonight, if I can stay awake long enough!
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