Emerson did some cooking in her food truck this morning, while Mommy was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.One of life’s simple joys is drinking coffee out of a regular mug (instead of a travel mug), sitting on your couch, with the morning sunlight streaming in from the backyard. Am I right?
We just took it super slow all morning, playing, watching videos and songs, coloring, cooking, shopping… pretty much just all the things, but enjoying being lazy on our day off.
We finally got moving around 11 a.m., by putting Emerson’s clean laundry away. And clearly I had a great little helper in her closet!
Then she ate my leftover sweet & sour chicken from lunch yesterday, before going down for her nap time.
And since I didn’t actually get to finish my coffee earlier (I feel like I never actually do on days at home), I made a second cup of coffee, but I made myself an iced coffee, and man that was delicious.
And then I got to work! (Jeff was off doing some computer work for his parents.) One of the things on my spring cleaning list was to pack up some of the clothes Emerson has outgrown. I’ve been setting the clothes aside in a few diaper boxes for a while, but those boxes were crammed full & overflowing. So today I spent time labeling all of them (with her initials in the tag), and then packing them up in the plastic tubs for storage. I watched “Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again” while I worked, and just sang along to my heart’s content. And I got it all finished!
These are the two I packed today, plus we have two more we packed a few months back. If we ever have another girl, we will be set with all these clothes!
And then my baby girl woke up! I got her dressed in an adorable red, white & blue hand-me-down romper, which was so very festive! We colored some more, read some more, and played some more, and put away some more clean laundry in Emerson’s room. And she helped me again.
Her closet is so clean and organized now, and ready to add in some more hand-me-downs! (I actually have a couple bags & boxes of stuff to go through, which I might start doing tonight, or I might just wait until tomorrow.)
And of course I had to take my girl out to the front yard, to take some gorgeous photos of her looking so patriotic!
This chick is so cool guys. Wearing her sunglasses & talking on a cell phone like she’s already 13 years old!
And then we went over for playtime and dinner at Jeff’s parents house! Nana bought this tiny pool at Walmart, and Emerson had such a great time playing on the back porch! (And the screened-in porch meant no bugs, and Mommy & Nana got to sit under the ceiling fans.)
Nana also got her this tiny Adirondack chair, and Emmie thought she needed it in her pool too.
We got her dried off & dressed again, just in time for dinner. She was casually lounging on her tiny couch, just waiting for everything to get finished up, and she wanted Pretzel to sit by her too.
And then she ate butter off her finger for her appetizer. This girl is a mess!
She started having a little fit, and wanted to go outside, so we were going to go for a little walk down the street. So we walked outside, and I wanted a picture with her, but that was just asking too much! Life with toddler’s is crazy sometimes, but this is what real life looks like! She was perfectly fine by the way, once I just let her walk down the stairs and get going…
She stopped to smell some of the neighbors flowers.
And then she wanted to run in this nice lush grass at a different neighbors’ house. (Which I think is super adorable!)
Back at Nana’s house, she wanted to go out on the back porch again, and she ended up wanting to get back in the pool. So we put a fresh swim diaper on her, and she just hopped right in! After playing for a while, we grabbed her shampoo, and washed her hair in the pool, even though she didn’t like it…
On a completely unrelated note, look at the triplets on their first pool day!
This time two years ago, we were very busy getting ready for Miss Emerson’s arrival. My Mama and I were hard at work preparing and stocking up on freezer meals, which was such a huge blessing, and a fun project for us! And Jeff was finishing up restoring her dresser that we got for free off of Facebook yard sale. You can’t see the before in the screenshot below, but it was not in good shape. It turned out beautiful though, and we still love it in her bedroom. And it’s a great piece that will last years now.
Anyways, after all the fun of our holiday off work, my girl was simply exhausted, and very much ready for bed. (Oh, and there’s her dresser I was just talking about!)
We read Peter Pan & Dada (although for a while we’ve been saying “Mama” instead), and then said prayers. She was being super silly and lovey, and gave me kisses on each cheek, back and forth, like ten times. Each time she kissed me, she said, “muah!” and it was so sweet! Then the stuck her tiny finger in my ear, and discovered my ears are ticklish, and I was dying laughing, and she was dying laughing, and we had fun for a few minutes. But then she didn’t want to settle down, and I had lost all bedtime authority at that point. So Daddy had to come in and put his foot down, and he got her to sleep after threatening to put her straight in her crib without any cuddles. Then she settled down, cuddled with Daddy, and he was able to put her down shortly afterwards.
I washed the dishes, while Jeff worked on laundry, and once I finish this post, we’ll watch a little Netflix, and hopefully go to bed early – I’m exhausted! But I’m so thankful for the brave soldiers that allow us to live in a free country! And so thankful for this past 3-day weekend!
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