We baked a can of store-bought biscuits for breakfast this morning before church, and Emerson was a big fan of the biscuits. And she was also a big fan of her ice water on the way to church. She loves having ice in her drinks these days. And I thought she looked so funny holding her cup like this.
But she was so pretty in her lovely purple dress and cute yellow hair bow!
After church, she wanted to ride in Grammy’s Jeep, so we had to distract her by letting her walk all the way to Mommy’s car. She announced, “I walk!” So we let her walk!
We stopped for lunch at Tan’s Asian Cafe, and this cool chick didn’t want to take off her sunglasses for a while.
And then she only wanted to eat, while Daddy held her and fed her each and every bite. He ordered beef & broccoli, but Emmie kept asking for a bite of chicken, so we just went with it. And once he put a bite of carrot & beef on the same fork, she didn’t want it any other way after that! And when Daddy asked her if he could take a bite of his lunch, she told him no!
We kept her awake for the ride home, and put her down for a nap immediately. Jeff took my car to get the oil changed, and do whatever else it needed, while I did some chores at home. I washed all of the dishes from the mess I made last night with the potato salad and chocolate PB bars, and then did some work in our bedroom. I cleaned out my night stand (wow, there was some random junk in there), and cleaned up a random pile of clothes and bags and who knows what else. Do y’all get random piles of stuff like that too? I hope I’m not the only one…
And then I opened this month’s Grove Collective box. I kept my order small this month, but I’m excited to try this new Mrs. Meyer’s scent collection! And I think I’ll do that face mask tomorrow night. This is my third monthly box, and I am really enjoying the stuff. If you want to try it yourself, click here and you’ll get $35 worth of free products, and I’ll get a $10 referral credit! Win win for both of us!I spent a few minutes straightening up the living room, and then sat down to read for a few minutes. This book (“From Scratch”) is the first book on my summer reading list, and after only 4 pages, I was already very emotionally invested. That’s a sign of great writing. I only read 6 pages total, before Emerson woke up from her nap, but I’m looking forward to reading more tonight & tomorrow.
After Emerson woke up, and Jeff got back home, we loaded up in the car. I was still in search of the garam masala to make the Indian butter chicken, so we stepped it up a notch from Publix. We went to an Indian grocery store! It was really neat, and the guy working was super nice, and he showed me exactly where it was. There was a $10 minimum for credit cards (we had no cash), so we grabbed a few other random things – Indian-flavored chips, naan, & Indian-style soda.
They also had a bunch of fresh vegetables, like garlic & onions & peas, but also a bunch of weird stuff I’ve never seen, and didn’t even know what it was!?
And then we went to have family dinner at my sister’s house! First, it was feeding time for the triplets, so people grabbed babies & bottles, and got them all fed.
And Emerson was so sweet and great with them again. Later, she got a little jealous that she wasn’t getting ALL of Grandmommie’s attention, but at first she was sweet & loving.
We had BBQ sandwiches, baked beans, & my potato salad for dinner. And all the babies came to eat at the table with us, and I just loved it! While talking about random things at the dinner table, Bo asked me if I could just read a book for them, and then give them the Cliff’s Notes, since I could read it faster than they could. And I just thought that was hilarious. I was laughing over it for at least 5 minutes…
I know it’s not much to look at, but my potato salad turned out delicious! I personally loved it, and the rest of the family told me I did a great job for my first foray into potato salad 😉
And my chocolate peanut butter bars turned out yummy too! I sent home a Ziploc baggie of leftovers with everyone, and brought home just four or five squares for us. Otherwise, we would have eaten the entire pan! They were really yummy!
Meggie put Emerson in this pack-n-play box, and dragged her into the living room, and then she popped out & she “surprised” us all!
Once again, Megan and I showed up at a family dinner wearing similar clothes. (A few weeks ago, we were both wearing olive green & white striped shirts.) Tonight, we were both wearing cotton dresses with similar colors and palm leaf patterns, so we walked outside to take a photo, and Tater Tot followed us, and posed for a few photos herself. She even wandered all up under that tree all by herself. She looked like she was going on a jungle adventure!
Grammy with Ellie.
Grandmommie with Kensley.
Grammy & Emmie with Riley.
Aunt Halie holding Ellie.
Megan was given a few giant bags of hand-me-downs from some Growing Room parents, and she went through them all the last few days. And she found this adorable Little Mermaid nightgown that she gave to Emerson tonight. It’s so cute and sweet, and I love it when she wears nightgowns!
At home, we got started on books & bedtime routine, and my girl was so tired. This is one of my books, from when I was Emerson’s age!
Also, remember when my Aunt Suzanne & cousin Aaron went to Israel a few weeks ago? They brought the camel back for Emerson, but Aunt Suzanne is still doling out gifts, because today, she brought us this tiny vial of water from the Sea of Galilee. Isn’t that so cool!? Lot’s of Bible stories from Jesus’ life took place on the Sea of Galilee (walking on water, feeding the 5,000, calming the waves & the storm), so it’s extremely neat to have some of this water in our home now!
Since tomorrow is a holiday, and we don’t have to wake up quite as early as usual (at least, not with an alarm, I mean, Emmie will probably still be up by 6:45 or 7am), we’re going to start a movie now!
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