Matching Mermaids

After we slept in (oh so slightly) this morning, I scrambled eggs for breakfast burrito, and my sweet little Emmie helped me.

I hate that this picture was blurry, but you can see how lovingly she was staring at that burrito!

After breakfast, we spent an hour or two doing chores like laundry and dishes. Then we left Jeff at home to do some work on his car, and the girls and I met the grandparents and the triplets for lunch at Chick-fil-A, after the trips had a sleepover with them last night.

The trips left their house after that, but me and the girls went over there, to spend the rest of the day with them. We opened some Amazon packages, and then the girls took a short tiny nap. And then of course it was swim time!

Grammy got them some new matching mermaid bathing suits, which are so cute!

I forgot my emotional-support-water-bottle at home today (even after filling it up with tons of ice and fresh water), so I found a cute cup of my mom’s to borrow, and really loved this Florida themed Tervis!

Grammy and Emmie mixed up some tuna after swim time, and then I helped Grammy slice tomatoes and set out all the fixin’s for sandwiches and chips for dinner.

Jeff did eventually come out and join us, and brought the pressure washer, to help clean up their back deck, before Emerson’s upcoming birthday party next weekend.

After he did some pressure-washing, we switched places and I did some work, so he could go inside and eat. Addie was so sweet and helping out, bringing him everything he needed to make his sandwich, as Grandmommie handed it to her one thing at a time.

I got the girls into the bath, and then Grammy helped me get them in their jammies, and then we had just a little time to sit and chill, before it was time to head out.

The girls barely napped today, so after a lot of swimming and staying a bit too late, the girls were totally exhausted by the time we started their bedtimes.

And quite honestly, I’m exhausted too! My eyes are so heavy, and I was literally just falling asleep when writing that last sentence. So clearly, it’s my bedtime now too.

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