Addie was really loving that snowman this morning at breakfast.
And after breakfast, Emerson helped me put all the ornaments on the tree. (We need to go space them out a little bit, but she did a pretty good job.)
Then Jeff went to work at one of his side jobs, I dropped off Emerson at church for dress rehearsal (the final practice before tomorrow’s play), and Addison and I went to Walmart. We went shopping inside first (I picked up a few Christmas presents for a few people), and then we went around to the side for our grocery pickup order. And they gave me this random seltzer water thing for free, which was just okay, but I’m not a big seltzer person…
Addie Pie couldn’t hang though, and she fell asleep while waiting on our groceries, and then on our drive back home.
Addie and I had about 20 minutes at home before we headed back to church to pick up Emmie. Then the girls and I had lunch, and then they both went down for a roughly 2.5-hour nap. I rested a little bit during that, then I got up and washed dishes and cleaned the house a little bit.
Addie finally woke up around 3:45, and then we had to go in and wake up Emmie then too. All of us got dressed and ready, then we headed out for an early dinner at Pepper’s with the family.
And after dinner, we stood in line for about an hour, in order to go on the hayride through Bethlehem at KUMC. Mama drove Meg and I through almost every year growing up, then last year was our first year doing the hayride with Addie & Emmie, and now this year is the first year doing it with Meg, Bo & the triplets. The girls actually did really well waiting in line that long, all things considered, and then they absolutely loved the living nativity!
By the time we finally got back home, it was straight to jammies and bedtime, with a quick stop for Baby Sister to admire the tree.
Oh, and Emmie thought I looked hilarious and weird with my face mask. She kept wanting to smell it, because she said it smelled good.
We had a good, busy day today, and we’ve got another big, busy day planned for tomorrow. I need to go kick my feet up and get some rest now!
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