Kim’s Antiques

Since Emerson was having a sleepover at Grammy’s house last night, I got Jeff to take Addison to school, and I went into work super early, to get in some time and a half overtime pay. Look at the pretty morning sunlight streaming in on the wall – I rarely, if ever, actually see that.

I actually ordered a chicken burrito from CFA using points (for free!), and still made it to my desk right at 7:01 am. I was on the ball today!

I got this cute little Gilmore Girls theme coffee mug for $5 at Walmart last weekend, and so obviously I had to have a little afternoon coffee to break it in today. Love the show, and love my new mug for the office!


Looks like Addison had a good day at school, and lots of fun with her little friends!

Grandmommie met met at daycare after work with Emerson, and we went inside to pick up Addison together. I was loving these super cute braids her teacher did today!


Tonight was our version of taco Tuesday – taquito Tuesday. With yellow rice and black beans and a hastily-made small batch of simple guac. Yum!

This was the first time we’ve all sat at the dinner table like this in almost 3 weeks, so that felt nice to return to that small piece of our normal routine.

I got the leftovers put away and the plates all rinsed off and the things put in the fridge, while Jeff got the bathtub ready for the girls. I watched them while they played in the tub, and then got them washed up. Emerson and I finished packing her giant duffel bag to go to camp tomorrow, with all the clothes and sleeping bag and special dress-up items and everything she’ll need.

She’s super excited, and she’s ready to go tomorrow! It’ll be her first time sleeping anywhere without us, or grandparents, so it’ll be a big step for her. Her best friend Daisy, and Daisy’s mom (who is one of my friends as well) are both going to camp as well, so I know she’ll be well taken care of. Not to mention the fact that Uncle Bo (our own children’s pastor) is in charge of the whole camp, so she’s got that going for her too. So obviously she’s in good hands, but this mama is gonna miss her and worry about her, and can’t wait to hear about her first big summer camp adventure when she gets back on Saturday!!


The girls cuddled up on either side of me on the couch to watch Bluey before bedtime, and Addie was so sweet holding on to my arm with her teeny tiny hand. Emmie was on my other side, snuggled as close as possible, and wanted me to hold onto her too, but then both hands were holding baby girls so I couldn’t get a picture of her.


Jeff went to bed early, once we got the girls down, and of course when I sat down to write this, I’ve been having issues with my photos and the computer and the website and the formatting. So who knows what this might look like once it gets published, but we’re just gonna go with it, at least I got it done!

Now, time to wash up some dishes…I actually cleaned out some stuff from the fridge earlier tonight too, so there’s also a bunch of Tupperware to was tonight as well.

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