July 4th Pullen Vacay in PCB

Hi friends, I’m back after a few days of vacation at the beach with the family. And of course it was super fun, but I’m exhausted! I have tons of photos to share (obviously), and it’s late I have some stuff to do tonight still, so this is mostly a photo dump post, with little writing…


Got up and dressed and loaded the car, and hit the road. We had to stop halfway to feed Addie a bottle, but the drive was easy and relatively quick.

Shared room for our 6-fam, was cozy, but it worked out well.

Emerson is obsessed with her big cousin Andersen. She followed her around all weekend like a little puppy.







I had gone to the beach and pool, and Jeff stayed back with Addie. Turns out, this girl LOVED sleeping out on the deck in the ocean breeze. She took many, long naps out here throughout the weekend.




After pancakes for breakfast, most of the fam loaded up and went to an arcade for bowling and games, but Nana and I stayed back at the condo to keep Addie home to eat and sleep. We sat out on the porch for a couple of hours, and Addie took a super long nap out there again.

She was exhausted when they got back, so I laid down with her, and we both slept for two hours.

Then we all walked down to the beach around 5pm, so the kids could jump in the water super quick, and we could get some family photos out by the water. It was about to storm and it was super windy, but once again, Addie slept through the whole thing!

We ordered a few pizzas and garlic knots and mozzarella sticks from a local pizza place (which was delicious), and then we waited until it was time to go back down to the beach to watch the fireworks. There were TONS of them all up and down the beach, and it was honestly INCREDIBLE. I was worried Emmie would be scared, but she was so excited and thrilled and brave, and loved every minute of it!

It was super loud, and the house was just on the other side of the road off the beach, but this angel baby slept through all the hubbub and fireworks!



We had donuts for breakfast and then the chaos of packing and cleaning ensued. Once everything was all taken care of, we set up a family photo, and it turned out great!

The rest of the family went shopping yesterday while Emmie and I napped, but Andie picked out these matching shirts for her and Emmie, which was sweet and so cute.

We got on the road around 9:45amCST, and about 30 minutes in, Emerson asked, “When is nap time, Mommy?” So I encouraged her to put her Kindle away and take a nap, and she fell asleep pretty quickly.

We had to stop halfway again to feed Addison, so we got a gas station drink and snack and sat in the car for a while, before hitting the road the rest of the way home.

We got lunch and got the car unpacked, and the Daddy and Emmie napped together for about 2 hours, while I took care of the littlest munchkin. She didn’t really want to sleep, and only lasted about 30 minutes in her crib.

I met my parents to pick up Pretzel from them, and then Emerson helped me take some 2-month photos of Addison, while Jeff ran out to pick up dinner for all of us.

We ate dinner and cuddled and picked out clothes for the week and got bags ready for school, and then got dressed in jammies for bedtime. Tomorrow, Addie starts school and I go back to work, and I’m really NOT looking forward to either of those things.

I still have to write out all the labels for Addison’s bottles for school, and then I’ll finally get to go to sleep myself. I’m ready for some sleep in my own comfy bed, with my two pillows!

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