Independence Day at the Movies

I had enough of cooking breakfast on this long weekend, so we sent Daddy to pick up donuts this morning instead. And that was definitely the right choice.

After breakfast, Emmie and I got dressed for a special out this morning! As part of Emerson’s birthday present, Nana took her to see the new “Little Mermaid” movie, and I got to go too! 🙂 She chose to wear her pretty mermaid dress-up dress, and I thought that was so sweet.

She was so tiny in those giant chairs, but she did really well, even during the long, two-hour movie. She only got antsy in the last 20-30 minutes, and I just let her stand up in front of our seats to watch the end. It was a great movie, and we all loved it! Will definitely be listening to the soundtrack in the car with the girls tomorrow.

Jeff and Addie stayed home playing together while we were out, and then after they had lunch, he got her down for a little nap time.

Meanwhile, we went back to Nan’s house after the movie, where I made up a giant bowl of tuna salad for us, and we had lunch, and then we got this little pool ready for Emmie out on the back patio.

But before long, the thunder and rain came, so we played dominoes on the back patio for about an hour, and Nana won the first round, and then Emmie won all the rest! She was actually so smart at this game, even after she saw the box said, it was for 8+ years old, and was worried she couldn’t play it… I never won once!

Once Addie woke up, Jeff brought themselves on over for family dinner and fun time. The girls also splashed around in the pool for a while together too. And then Nana made us a delicious dinner of steak, baked potatoes, and Caesar salad. It was so good!

I had explained to Emerson one time what a root beer float was (for un-remembered reasons), and tonight she was like, “Can I try that root beer treat dessert thing you told me about that one time?” She was already drinking the root beer with her dinner, and luckily Nana had vanilla ice cream, so both girls got to try a root beer float for their first time, and obviously both of them loved it. And why wouldn’t they?!

Look at that perfect little ringlet on the right side of her hair!!

One quick family pic towards the end of the night, before we settled down to cuddle and chill out a little bit.

Then it was time to load up in the car, and head on home.

We got the girls down at a good time, without much fuss or fight, and turned their sound machines up pretty much as high as they would go, in an attempt to drown out the firework explosions for the next three-ish hours. Or more… there are many years where the fireworks continue around our neighborhood until like, 2am, which drives me absolutely insane. So I’m really hoping and praying they can sleep through it, and that we can all get a good nights’ rest. It’s gonna be hard enough to go back to work and school and camp after four days off, without a rough nights’ sleep adding to it!

Anyways, Happy 4th of July!

And here’s our one second everyday video from June! So many fun summer memories.


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