Blackstone Chicken

Well, I woke up feeling pretty terrible this morning, so I had a rough morning, and just kinda checked out, while Jeff took care of the girls. (So thankful we had the day off work today, so thanks to Gov. Ron for that!) They had breakfast, then played, then eventually had lunch, and went down for a nap, and he mowed the front yard. I was finally feeling better once nap time ended, so we got dressed and headed over to Grammy’s house!

Grammy and Papa got Addie this outfit for her birthday, an although it’s a bit too big still, it was very cute.

Although I was feeling better, I wasn’t actually up for swimming, but Daddy, Grammy & Papa got in with the girls, and they had so much fun, and I had a nice time chatting inside in the a/c with Grandmommie.

Papa had two little helpers to bring the trash cans back up to the house.

She carried this pepper around patting it, for like 5 minutes. I guess she thought it was cute?

And then Papa had another little helper grilling the chicken on the Blackstone for dinner.

The girls were so cute, all cuddled up in Grandmommie’s bed for a few minutes, before we headed out.

We stayed a little too late, and the girls were very tired, and so we started bedtime right away when we got home. Luckily, it went pretty easily, and the girls went to sleep in no time flat.

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