We had a good first day start out our new year of 2022! Emmie and I had toast & eggs / egg-in-the-hole again, and let Jeff sleep in late since he didn’t feel good. (The boys always sleep in past breakfast, and we don’t even bother with them until muuuuuch later.) But our girls breakfast was nice and yummy!
And Addie had some breakfast on the coffee table with us, some apple/strawberry/blueberry baby food cereal, and she ate almost the entire thing.
After finishing her toast & eggs, Emerson then ate an entire sliced apple, followed by a big scoop of applesauce. Girlfriend was hungry this morning!
Once Jeff woke up, he held Addison and tried to get her to sleep, and Emmie and I got some playtime in her room together. She was practicing letters and numbers, and I was working with her on those, and just playing around myself on her drawing tablet. But she was also running a bakery from the kitchen in her room at the same time, making cookies & smoothies, so she was a busy girl. 🙂
We had a Walmart grocery order to pick up, and since Addison wouldn’t sleep at home, but she usually falls asleep in the car, I decided to load up my girls and drive out west on 90, hoping she’d sleep in the car. We drove all the way to Midway and back to Walmart, but girlfriend stayed awake and blabbering the whole time.
We got our groceries though, and headed back home for lunch. Emmie and I both had sammiches and sides (hers was kettle corn, mine was hummus with feta & olive oil), and watched a little bit of “Encanto,” the newest movie on Disney+.
Emerson went down for her nap after lunch, and then I fed Addison a bottle and she fell asleep on my chest. I tried to lay her down in her bed, but she only lasted about 20 minutes before she was whining, so I grabbed her again and just held her for another 45-ish minutes so she could finally get a decent nap.
Just to throw these in somewhere, completely without context, here are a few things Emmie said today that I liked so much I texted it to myself:
“I looked for my new Rosalie, but I couldn’t find her anywhere. So I said to myself, I think she’s lost.”
“I like her, she looks cute. I like the way her face is. And you know why else I like her? Her dress is one of my favorite colors.”
“You have to do it long as a little hippo.”
She’s a funny girl, and I love the way her cute little four-year-old brain works these days.
Once everyone was awake and ready, we headed across town to go to Grammy’s house, for our third-annual low country boil with the family. We had lots of playtime while Bo & Papa got the seafood boil going.
Grammy got all the girls new boots, and they all had to put them on as soon as she gave them to them.
We actually found “little girl books” for all the girls in this Little Free Library. It’s rare to find kids books, and especially that many! And they were really nice, good books too!
Dinner was just about ready by the time we got back, and this gigantic pot of shrimp, sausage, corn, potatoes & onions.
By the time we started eating dinner, my hands were covered in shrimp & sausage (in the best way), so I didn’t take any more photos. We bathed all four “big girls” together, and then once they were out, I put Addison in the tub and got her washed up too. They all got in their jammies, and then we loaded up to head back home for bedtime. Both my girls went down relatively easy tonight, thankfully, so it wasn’t too bad.
I had tried to start un-decorating the Christmas tree earlier during Addie’s tiny short crib nap, but I only got about 15 ornaments off before she woke up. So I think I’m gonna go try to pull off some more now, and then I’ll get Jeff and the boys to help me finish up tomorrow. (I just like being the only one taking off & repacking the ornaments, for safety reasons of the fragile ones 😉 )
Like I said before, we had a good start to our new year, and to (semi) quote my girl Taylor Swift, “I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 2022!”
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