Happy Retirement, Angie!

After a little more than two weeks of a crazy schedule from vacation and sickness, we were finally back to a (mostly) regular schedule. We loved getting to school at the same time as Meggie and the triplets, to bring Addie to school. Grandmommie also met us there, for Emmie to spend a couple of days with her.

Addison didn’t want to get in on the group pictures outside, but she did finally want t a picture with Olaf once we got inside!

And please look at how cute my sister is, at 30 weeks pregnant! She had a sweet little baby shower at her office today, so she was dressed so pretty in a new baby blue dress, and just absolutely glowing! (And a round of applause please, for Miss Riley, her very talented little 5-year-old photographer this morning!)

And Addison had a fun day back at school, for the first time in such a long time!

We’ve had lots of big milestones in our Bureau lately, from engagements, babies, graduations, and today we had our second retirement, all within less than a year! Today, we celebrated the retirement of our Assistant Bureau Chief, Angie, who’s very last day in the office was today. She hit 30 years of service last month in May, and she’s moving to Arkansas to be with her family. She was a great supervisor, and a great friend, and she will be missed so much!

I randomly finalized both the April & May one-second-every-day mashup videos today, and both are so cute and fun!





Emerson is having a sleepover with her grandparents tonight, so it was just Addie at home with us. I made some breakfast “scram-bowls” for dinner, with O’Brien potatoes, scrambled eggs, bacon, cheese and some hot sauce & salsa, plus avocado. I saw a girl make something similar on TikTok for her breakfast the other day, and I thought it sounded great and wanted to copy it, and this turned out so good. Next time, I wanna make it with crispy tater tots, more bacon 😉 But you can see I already put together another bowl to take for lunch tomorrow, because this was really yummy.

I spent a little time tonight unpacking all the clean clothes from our vacation (yes, we still had bags full of clean clothes packed up), and then started re-packing a bag of clothes for Emerson to take for summer camp later this week. She’s actually going to GC Kids camp in Marianna, for her very first sleep-away camp, and very first overnight somewhere other than my parents’ or Jeff’s parents’ houses. But tonight, I unpacked her vacation suitcase, and started putting some of those same clean clothes back in a bigger duffel, with room for a sleeping bag and pillow and other necessities.

Once I finish writing this tonight, I’m going to go wash up some dishes while I listen to my audio book, and then try to get things finished up for Emmie’s duffel bag, and then obviously I need to get the bed cleared off.

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