Girls Afternoon

My little matching beauties in super cute new dresses from Nana, dressed up and pretty for church!

I was on praise team today, so I was there at 8am (after a quick run through Dunkin for my large vanilla latte), and then Jeff got the girls dressed and ready to bring them in time for church, complete with hearts on palms for all of them.

And we had an awesome morning at church today for Vision Sunday, looking back at all the blessings from 2022 and looking forward to a great 2023.

On the way out to the car, Jeff was holding both of them and kind of galloping around and they were just giggling like mad and it was so adorable.

After church, we ended back at Panera again, and I actually got the exact same lunch I ordered last Sunday. But today, Grammy and Papa actually came across town to join us! Then Grammy came back to our house, and later Grandmommie came too, so we could have a little girls afternoon together.

This little baby Addie Pie is very much her Papa’s girl. And the girls’ dresses just looked so good with Papa’s shirt today.

Grammy helped Emerson work on her very first kindergarten homework, a cute little planet report due later this week. She chose Neptune, and she already knew some facts, and we helped her look up other stuff too. She was so cute about it, and so proud of it too. It was only this one page of stuff, but they can also choose to do a 3D craft project too for bonus points, so we’ll be working on that through this week too.


My Mama is the puzzle master, and I just dubbed myself the puzzle apprentice (the PA), because I barely did anything, in comparison to how much she did! But she definitely got a good start on it for me, and hopefully I’ll be able to make some good progress now.

Meanwhile, Jeff was off at the guys lunch for our Connect Group, followed by the driving range at the Southwood golf course.

Addison had taken a nice long three-hour nap after Grammy rocked her to sleep, so by the time she finally woke up, it was almost time for Jeff to get home, and Grammy and Grandmommie to head back to their house. Then the four of us ran to Dollar Tree and Walmart together, to get Valentine’s for the girls to give out, and craft supplies to make Neptune this week. We decided to stop at Steak-n-Shake before heading home, and although they were slow and Addie was a bit difficult while we waited, it was yummy. And Emerson ate herĀ entire cheeseburger, which is so rare for her.

This photo was when I turned over to look at her and realized how much she had already eaten, and then she finished off this last tiny bit too.

Addison on the other hand barely ate anything, and only decided she wanted a little bit more after we put it in a to-go box and we were trying to pack up to leave.

It was time to get the girls read for bed once we got home. Emerson was out in no time flat, but Addison needed to be held quite a while before she was actually ready to lay down. Jeff had started out holding her, and then we switched, and then surprisingly I was the one falling asleep holding her in the recliner. It’s been a busy little weekend, and I’m worn out! Gonna try to make myself go to bed early tonight…



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