Four-Part Harmonies

Emerson and I stayed home form church this morning, when she woke up with both crusty & goopy eyes, and she was really congested. She also woke up in the middle of the night having a mini freak-out, and saying her throat hurt. She didn’t have fever, but she didn’t look great, so we decided to be on the safe side. After getting Jeff and Addie ready for church and out the door, I made breakfast for Emerson and myself.

She spent some time playing and watching videos on her Kindle, cuddled up on the couch with Pretzel, and I read on my Kindle as well.

We both spent about 10 minutes cleaning up the living room together, and putting away some clothes. She really wasn’t feeling bad though, so she wanted to put on a little dance performance for me, while our leftover pizza heated up in the air fryer for lunch.

Emerson actually finished her whole piece of pizza, and then asked for a second piece. She ate about half of the second piece, and when I told her I was proud of her for eating so well, and saying she must have been so hungry, she was like, “It wasn’t about the hungry thing, it was just about the good thing.” (Meaning, the pizza was just so good.)

Jeff went out to lunch with the family after church, and although Addie slept through the first half, she woke up in time to eat some french fries with Papa!

After they got back home, we put both Emerson and Addison down for their afternoon naps, and Jeff and I both accidentally fell asleep in the living room for a bit as well. Then we got them up just in time to load up in the car, and we drove across town to drop them off at Grammy & Papa’s house. Papa was doing some yardwork, and Emmie wanted to hop up and ride on the tractor with him.

Then Jeff and I went to church for a special Easter choir rehearsal. We haven’t been part of the “regular choir” since Addison was born, but our music minister wanted to have a special, larger choir for Easter Sunday, and I couldn’t resist the chance to jump back in! There’s just something I love about sight-reading new music, and figuring out our four-part harmonies! We’re singing a couple of “old” songs we all know, and a couple of new songs, one is so new it was just published this year, and I’m obsessed with it already, “Honey in the Rock.”

(Thanks Janice, for sending me these photos you took!)

Grammy and Papa brought the girls to meet us at church afterwards, and then we headed back across to our side of town. While in the car, Emerson said, “I didn’t want to leave Grammy’s house to come to your house, but then I realized, I love Mommy too.”

We had a quick dinner at KFC, before picking up our rescheduled grocery order from Walmart. Jeff ate most of his meal holding the edge of the table, so that Addie wouldn’t lean down and try to bite it, and eventually she just started cuddling his arm while she ate, and it was ever so adorable and sweet.



We got the groceries unloaded and put away (the cold stuff, at least), started a load of Emerson’s laundry, and then got started on bedtime for the girls. Below, I was leaning over the side of her bed, and she was riding on me like a horsey, while we read her bedtime book. Or at least half of it, before my back started hurting too badly… 😉

Addie Pie was completely exhausted, and fell asleep very easily, and let us lay her down easily as well, after plenty of sleepy cuddles.

Emmie tried some of her usual bedtime shenanigans, but we didn’t have any full on meltdowns, so that’s a win in my book. We’ve got to finish up that load of laundry, and I want to vacuum the living room and clean up that pile of stuff that’s in the dining room, and Jeff already washed all the bottles earlier.

Emmie seemed mostly fine all day, and never had a fever, and although her eyes looked tired all day, they weren’t ever crusty or goopy again like when she first woke up. So maybe it was just a fluke? We’ll watch her overnight, and see how she is in the morning, and then decide if she needs to see a doctor or not in the morning. Say a quick prayer for her, please, to be all better in the morning!


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