Two happy little girlies, just as precious as always 🙂
Another day with lots of pictures of Addie Pie, just having a great time and enjoying her days at school.
Today was Flag Day, so apparently the VPK kids all made flags from different countries, and marched all around the school today. Emerson made France’s flag, and was so very proud of herself for it!
We got home just before the terrible thunderstorm hit right at 6pm. At first, Addie was still asleep in her car seat in the living room, and Emmie was on her Kindle in her room, so I opened the back door and videoed some of the storm. But as I realized it was getting worse than I expected, Addie woke up, and Emmie got scared. So then all three of us cuddled up on the couch and just sat there through the scary lightning and super loud thunder, while our electricity blinked off & on again a few times. (Jeff had gone into the office today, and wasn’t home yet during this.)
Once the storm lightened up a bit and wasn’t quite so bad, I got a late start to cooking breakfast burritos for dinner. I had actually seen a lady on TikTok make these with the diced potatoes, sautéed peppers & onions, and even the spam, and I wanted to make them exactly like she did, and this was actually super good. After the first bite, Emerson was like, “Are you kidding me? This is so good.” And she said that another time or two, and I was so glad she enjoyed it so much.
Since Daddy missed her Flag Day demonstrations, she had to go run grab her flag in the middle of dinner, and I had to put on some marching music, and she put on a little dinner-tainment show for us.
As always, we had a bit of playtime after dinner, just hanging out in Addison’s room for a while.
I helped Emmie change into her nightgown and brush her teeth & hair, then I told her to go to her room to pick a book for bedtime, while I fixed Addie’s bottle of milk for Jeff. Then when I got back to her room, she was just sitting there so sweetly and quietly, flipping through her book by herself. I just loved it.
I was the one to rock Addison to sleep again tonight, and she was so sweet and cuddly and I loved it.
And unfortunately, now it’s time for me to go wash a ton of dishes, because although dinner was easy & yummy, I used way more skillets than normal. I can’t even remember the last time I was cooking on all four burners on my stove! But I’ll put on my audio book in my ear buds, and it won’t be too terrible…
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