Fan Day @ GC

Today was Fan Day at GC, so Emerson was adorable in her Seminole cheer uniform, and Addison was just as cute in her little yellow romper, which was the closest we could get to “garnet & gold” for her.

Addie wanted a “hair bow” this morning, so if you look closely, you can see her tiny pony tail I gave her before church.

And then after church, for fan day, we had free hot dogs and sausage dogs and boiled peanuts. We just had a little tailgate on the trunk of the car, and both girls ate their whole hot dogs, and loved the peanuts too.

We actually stopped by the gas station on the way home, to supplement our lunch. We just hung out watching a little tv while we ate our snacks, and then everyone had a nice long nap time. Emmie and I slept in my bed together for about two hours, and Addie slept for 2.5 hours. Jeff actually didn’t nap, instead he went over to do some work at his dad’s church.

When the girls and I all woke up, we made a quick trip to Walmart to look for a new pair of shoes for Addie. The little jelly’s she wears pretty much every day are pretty much falling apart, but we didn’t find any replacements. They’ve mostly got all the fall/winter shoes & boots out, and we just don’t need those here in Florida in August!!

Then we went around to the side to pick up our small grocery order, because even though I spent $100 at Trader Joe’s on Friday night, we still needed actually have most of our weekly essentials we needed. Emerson put this little tiny stuffy (is it a fox? or a chipmunk?) up on my dashboard to have a tiny friend up there, and it’s pretty cute.

When we got back home with our groceries, I put away all the cold stuff, and then warmed up the leftovers from yesterday’s lunch for tonight’s dinner. I got this garlic spread/dip from Trader Joe’s the other night, and a tiny baguette, and that spicy honey sauce. And DANG it’s good!

We watched “Inside Out” on Netflix while we ate dinner, and clearly they were very into it at this moment. It took them quite a while, but they did eventually both finish their plates, and loved the meatballs especially.

Jeff got home right at bedtime, so he held and rocked Addie, while I did bedtime with Emmie. She actually read this book to me tonight, and did such a good job of it. In first grade this year, we are supposed to read 20 minutes every night, and keep a reading log of every book we read together (either me to her or vice versa), so it’s a good thing we have tons from our own home library, and a stack we got from the Leon County library recently too.

Addie went to sleep very easily tonight, but Emmie needed some extra Daddy snuggles to help her calm down, so they’re still cuddling together while I’ve been writing this. And now I’m going to go take her to her bed, and then wash some dishes, and get things set up and ready for a new week.

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