Fabulous Friday

As I walked into Emerson’s class this morning at school, her teacher from her old room was in there, and Emmie was so excited to see her! She reached for her to give her a hug, and it was adorable. Moments like that make it a little bit easier to leave my girl every day.

And today was the last day for one of her current teachers, so we made sure to get a picture with her at the end of the day too. In the afternoons when we get there to pick her up, Ms. Eman is almost always holding her & loving on her. And when we leave she always tells Emerson, “I love you!” She’s been so great, and we will miss her!

And of course my sister Megan is the assistant director at our daycare, and so she gets & gives special loves all day long. And I love knowing my sissy is looking after my baby. Basically what I’m saying is, we love being at Growing Room, and are very blessed to be there!

For lunch today, Mama picked up Megan, and then I met them for lunch at Midtown Caboose. I splurged and got the meatball sub (which they put a delicious aoli sauce on with the marinara) and mac-n-cheese, and it was all sooo good. But it was too much food, and I couldn’t finish it all. I love our girls’ lunches!

Then for dinner tonight, Jeff parents came over to our house first, and we caravaned over to Steak & Shake. I had a grilled cheese, fries & a Turtle chocolate caramel milkshake, like an 8-year-old little girl, and it was super delicious. Also, the grilled cheese & fries were on a 2 for $3 menu, so what’s better than that? Nana shared her cheeseburger patty with Emmie, and she had some fries too.

We had some play time when we got home, even though it was after her bedtime. She was still in a good mood, so I just wanted to spend more time with her! She kept climbing in & out of her little pink toy bucket, and was just chatting away, reading books, and having a big time.

These giant blue eyes just kill me!

And then I carried her back to the boys’ bedroom while Nana was helping them clean up, and Emmie saw this stuffed Doxie up on their bookshelf, and she just HAD to have it. She’s obsessed with puppies (and Pretzel!) and she learned to say “doggie” this week! While I carried her around for about 10 minutes, she never let go of that dog. While I changed her diaper and put on her PJ’s, she kept holding it. Even while eating she held the dog with one hand, and the bottle with the other. I rocked her to sleep still holding it, and then when I laid her down in the crib, she rolled over & cuddled it. Melt my heart! This girl is a dog-lover for sure!

Happy Friday, friends! I hope y’all had as many good things in your day as I did!

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