Delirious Baby Girl

The sunrise was absolutely beautiful this morning! Did anyone else see how big & bright & orange it was, around 7:30am?

We actually started our day with a quick visit to the doctor’s office. Emerson woke up with a runny nose & cough, saying her ears hurt. So we figured that must be an ear infection, and we would go ahead and take her straight in to be seen. Despite her ear-ache, she was still in good spirits, enjoying some milk!




She pointed out the animals in this book in the waiting room, and told me what the cow, chicken & pigs all say. She was worried they were sad though, because they weren’t smiling. I had to assure her they were okay.


Back in our room, she dragged this stool out from under the exam table, and watched the cars and trucks pass by as we waited.


Our doctor-friend Abby was off today, so we saw our next favorite person, the nurse practitioner Mona. There was no fluid in her ears, so no infection, her throat looked fine, and everything else was fine too. She checked in her mouth and counted teeth, and found she still hasn’t gotten her 2-year-old molars, so she could be teething again, causing some ache in her jaw and ear. We got a note to return back to school today (she carried it to the car for me), and puppy sticker, and she was good to go!


The drop-off process was a little upsetting for her this morning, so I just had to pass her off to a teacher, and make a run for it! My friend Allie was there dropping off her daughter in the same class when we were there, and she said by the time she left a few minutes later, Emmie was sitting down for breakfast, and was perfectly fine already. So that was good news!

I had a “reward” in my Whataburger app, so I stopped to treat myself to a free sausage taquito for breakfast, and it was really yummy!


Lunch time finally came, and I was SO excited to eat these leftovers. I had been thinking about them all morning, practically drooling since like 8am! And it was all sooo good still. I also finished this book on my lunch break, and wow. It was extremely interesting. So many twists and turns, and the final twist I literally did NOT see coming, not until the very page it was happening on. The last chapter (the last 30 or so pages) really upped the stakes by like, a million, and my heart was literally racing while I was reading. I was also trying to speed read, so I could get through the final conflict/confrontation, and see how it all turned out. But man, it was good. These “domestic thrillers” are not usually my cup of tea, but this was really good. This was also my first book by this author, so maybe I’ll check out some of her back-list to see what else is out there by her. I would definitely recommend if you like suspense or drama (but not horror or scary), and some clever, tricky (almost unlikable?) main characters. Very interesting. Four stars.


On another random note, I finally figured out my Enneagram type today. If you don’t know what that is, it’s just a personality typing model, represented by nine interconnecting personality types. I took a free test on, found out my top three types, and then read about each to choose which one I most identified with. I’ve done this before, but didn’t “get it” enough to understand or choose. But today, it just clicked, and it seemed so obvious. I’m clearly a Type 1. And for those that are more familiar with it, I also determined I’m a 1w9. I chatted back and forth about it with a few friends, and a cousin of mine (we are very similar, and we are both 1w9), and it’s just so interesting! I posted a bunch of random screenshots on my Instagram story about it, but here’s just a few…




I then got Megan to take it, because I was interested to know what type she was (her and I are very similar, and we’re the same ISFJ on the Meyers-Briggs test). And of course, she’s the exact same Type 1, wing 9. Jeff saw my IG posts and also took the test, and together we determined that he’s a Type 7 (although I’m more convinced of that than he is, because he also thinks he’s a 2). And now I’m curious to know what y’all are too?!

From my parent portal app, I could tell they were really working on the potty training stuff at school today! And even if she didn’t actually go, just getting her to sit & not freak out is a huge accomplishment these days! (But unfortunately, she didn’t nap very well today…)


After school, Grammy picked up Emerson in the Jeep, then they picked up Papa from their house, and they came to our house for dinner! While I cooked dinner, Grammy & Emmie played together, and Papa & Jeff worked on installing my new passenger side mirror. I made another new recipe, from one of my favorite recipe blogs (where I got the raspberry croissant breakfast casserole recipe), for One-Pot Nacho Beef Skillet (except I subbed ground turkey instead of beef, and used double the meat). It was super easy (can y’all tell I like easy meals?!), and really delicious! Oh, I also added the black beans, and left out the roasted red bell peppers, because they tasted weird.

And y’all, this made a HUGE amount of food. We each had a large bowl, two of us had seconds, and I made two hearty Tupperware’s for our lunches for tomorrow. So this is definitely a great meal for a crowd!

This goof ball had a weird melt down after dinner, because she got mad about the couch pillows. We tried to figure out the deal, or what she wanted, but we’re still really not clear on the issue. Grammy finally got her calmed down, and then she let her change her into her nightgown. She saw this bag of crackers on the counter, and decided she needed and after-dinner snack.

Then she was sitting there playing with Grammy’s phone, and was like, “Call Meggie? Meggie?” So we video called Uncle Bo & Aunt Meggie! And she loved!

And theeennnn she started getting a bit delirious. She was just acting all silly and crazy and making funny growling noises, and running into Papa. It was so funny, and we were all dying laughing at her!

I was worried after all the craziness, that she would have a hard time settling down for bedtime. Grammy offered to come with us to read her bedtime books, and she thought that was a good idea. So Grammy read “101 Dalmatians: Snow Puppies,” and then Emmie read the “Dada” book, but I got her to say “Grammy” instead, and it was adorable! Grammy said her prayers, Emmie gave me lots of sweet hugs and kisses, and then I turned on the lullabies for Grammy to stay and rock her to sleep.



She snuggled in on Grammy’s shoulder, I put her “do-do” blanket her, and she was instantly calm and chill. I left the room for Grammy to love and hold her, and Grammy got lots of precious, sweet, sleepy cuddles. She was able to lay her down after the songs were over, and she’s been sleeping soundly ever since. I was glad Grammy got a chance to put her to sleep, and that Emerson did so well with her.

All the leftovers are put away (with tiny tubs of cheese & sour cream & tomatoes to go with it) and the dishes are cleaned up. It was a great night with my parents, and I’m so glad they were able to come over. And I didn’t mention it earlier, but apparently it was pretty easy to get the mirror replaced earlier, so praise the Lord for that! I may have done a stupid thing, but at least it was easily fixable.

Time for an episode of “Fringe” now before bed time.

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