Creamy Ditalini

We had a late night last night, after getting home from our trip. But this little cutie and I were up and at ’em tired, but ready to get going.

I did Emmie’s school drop-off today, and we did great!

But we had a rough night too, when Addie wasn’t feeling well. She’s had a runny nose and cough for a while, but she was very snotty last night, and having a hard time breathing around 2am, so we kept her in our bed and propped her on my pillows, and that helped her breathe better than lying flat. But she woke up again struggling at 3:30, and actually threw up. So Jeff stayed home with her this morning, and got her in to see the doctor for a check-up at 11am.

They said her ears weren’t infected, and her lungs sounded fine, and no signs of strep or anything else… So unfortunately it’s just another one of those viral infections that has to run it’s course in due time. She was in decent spirits around mid-day though, so they picked up an iced coffee for me from Red Owl, and stopped for a quick visit at my office during my lunch break.

She had a bit of a rough afternoon, just kinda fussy and pitiful and had a hard time falling asleep for a nap. Jeff did eventually get her to sleep in our bed, and left her there for a nice long 2.5-hour nap.

I picked up Emerson after school and work, and her and I stopped by Walmart for our grocery pick-up order. While I worked on cooking dinner, I asked her to hop up on the counter to get down a can of tomato paste. Then while she was up there, she decided she didn’t like how disorganized it was, and took it upon herself to rearrange everything. This was the before, and although the after looks about the same, I’m sure I’ll never know where anything is when I start looking 😉

I made another random TikTok recipe tonight, with a creamy homemade sauce, and some tiny ditalini noodles. But Jeff just kept saying it was basically homemade hamburger helper. (If you don’t have TikTok, it was basically this recipe, but since since Jeff doesn’t like Italian sausage, I just used ground beef instead.) And I guess he wasn’t too far off, but it was actually better than that, it was really good, and the whole family loved it and ate dinner really well!

Emmie also sat up at the counter and mixed up the bacon Caesar salad kit, wit really no instructions, since I was busy making up the homemade sauce. And she did a great job!

Emerson ate every single bite of her pasta, and most of her pasta. She wasn’t in the mood for the garlic bread, but I was fine with that. I was just proud of her for cleaning her plate of the pasta! Especially since she’s normally a “butter-noodles-only-please” kind of gal, but she loved this! (Please notice she was resting her plate on her little sister’s head 😂)

And I loved how Addie was sitting with her little legs crossed on her stool. She wanted me to feed her some bites, but once I started helping her, she ate really well too. And Jeff ate all of his dinner and had seconds of the pasta like a good boy too 🙂

We started watching Mary Poppins with the girls one night last week, and have been slowly working through it a little each night. So Addie curled up with me, giving me all the sweet cuddles, and we watched the movie after dinner. Then both girls wanted Daddy cuddles to fall asleep, so I left them to it and ran a quick errand to Walmart. Everyone was asleep when I got back, so I just started working on this quick post.

Addie was doing pretty well tonight after her long nap, but we need to keep her home for one more day tomorrow, so it’ll be my turn to stay home and take care of her, and let Jeff go into work for the day. So I’m just leaving tonight’s dishes to deal with tomorrow, since I’m sure I’ll be able to find the time to take care of them during the day.

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