Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

After a long vacation, and Addie being sick, she missed the first three “water days” at daycare this summer. And now finally today was her first one! They don’t even do it until they hit the 3-year-old classrooms, so it truly was her first one ever.

And can you tell she was super excited to wear her “baby soup” to school this morning!?

And these are the pictures we got from her teachers for water day with her little friends.

The delicious Filipino food truck was at my office again today (as they are every Friday), and since I packed my lunch every day so far this week, I treated myself to a delicious grilled chicken & rice bowl today. I asked for extra green onions today, and an extra side of the sauce, and wow it was so stinking good! This was my third time eating from them, and I’ve gotten the same bowl every time. It’s so simple, but so yummy.

And Megan sent me such great photos of Emmie and her cute big girl friends having the best time at summer camp!

Nana picked Addie up from school this afternoon, and Jeff and I went over to their house for some meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Addison ate two whole giant portions of the meatloaf, and a bunch of her other food too. Apparently girlfriend was just starving!

And Nana got fancy and made some super cute little chocolate-covered strawberries for us before dinner. They sat in the fridge for a while, and were perfectly ready for us to have for dessert after dinner.

And then Addie was still hungry and wanted a second dessert, so she had a tangerine popsicle, which I shared with her.

Jeff and Dave went to help someone buy a giant floor rug with Dave’s truck, then delivered it to their house. So while they were gone we played some games with Addie, and she put together this teeny little puzzle.

We stayed pretty late waiting on them to get back, so it almost 9pm by the time we finally headed on home. Addie was still pretty wide awake though, and didn’t even fall asleep until around 9:45. But now she’s finally asleep, and I just wanna turn my brain off (after a few particularly brain-melting days of complicated cases at work), and just chill out a little bit!

Actually, right as I was hitting publish on this post, Meggie sent me this picture — Emmie is having nachos and an icee in her jammies at 10pm, just living her best camp life!!

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