Chicken Nuggets

Today was another GO PINK day for Addison at Growing Room, so Emmie and I both wore pink dresses today too!

Jeff said Emmie was so excited to get to school, she just kinda hollered, “Love you Daddy!” and turn and ran! So glad she’s doing so well with drop-off’s now.

More hot tea in the office this afternoon, just to try to warm myself up a little bit. (Also, they’re redoing the carpets in our office next week, so we’re having to clean out everything and pack up everything and label everything, and it’s obnoxious.)

I finished this audio book today while packing up all of my desk drawers, and I’m going to have withdrawals from this series now that I’m all caught up again. (This is currently the last in the series, with plans for more at some point in the future.)

Emmie’s class has been doing apple experiments this week, and I think this is them making applesauce today!

I got stuck at work late today for another one of our typical “emergency inmate releases” so I called Jeff to go pick up the girls, and they were both so excited and surprised to see him.

Emerson got two more donors for her school fundraiser yesterday (thank you Aunt Jane & Aunt Dollbaby!), so she earned a couple of these prizes at school today. Tomorrow is the fun run, so if you’d like to sponsor her laps, click here to join her little team!

The plan tonight was supposed to be BBQ chicken pizza, but I forgot to cook the chicken ahead of time, and it would have taken too long tonight. So we just did chicken nuggets with rice & broccoli instead, and it was really good and the girls loved it and ate so well.

We were out of diapers, so we took a quick family run up to Walmart, and got sidetracked by a few things. Emerson helped me pick out a new fall candle, by playing “eeny meeny miny mo,” and then we ended up getting both of our favorite ones anyways 😉

Even though we only live like 7 minutes away from Walmart, our tired baby sis fell asleep on the way home, even on the short ride.

And then after a quick change and some milk, she was out like a light again real fast.

Emmie did good with her bedtime as well, and both girls were asleep in their beds in no time. I packed up a bag of clothes for them really quickly for their sleepover with Grammy tomorrow night, but we still need to wash Addie’s cups for school tomorrow before we turn in for the night ourselves.

I’ve been watching “Save The Last Dance” (from circa 2000) on Netflix while writing this, and dang it’s so good. I’m only halfway through though, so I’ll have to watch the rest of it another night.


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