
Today was another water day for baby sister at daycare.

And it looks like she had a good time this morning playing outside in the water and bubbles!

And the final day of Mega Sports Camp for the big sister, who was clearly very excited.

They had a normal morning of regular camp routine, and then invited the parents to come back and watch their closing rally, where the cheerleading group performed! So I took an extended lunch to go out to the church, and it was so cute and fun. I got to see a friend from high school who’s daughter was also doing cheer, and I got to sit with my sissy and other church friends, and it was just a very fun lunch break!


Emerson received her “mega verse” (memory Bible verse) for the week to her coach today, and earned a free kids meal from Raising Canes, which she was very proud of.

Poor little Addison had to be picked up early today, because she wasn’t feeling good. So Jeff picked her up early from school, and my tired little girl has another ear infection.

They had to make a quick run by Home Depot before getting back to the house, and she got to drive all the things.

At work today, my Chief had to help me with a very old, very difficult case, and we literally had to pull out the Florida Statute books from 1989 for reference. Around the office, everyone knows you’re into some muddy/messy cases when the gigantic hard-copy books from the 1980’s are needed!

Grammy actually picked up Emerson from camp this afternoon, to take her to the last day of the summer gymnastics sessions. I met them there at the gym when I got off work, and chatted with Mama while we watched Emmie practice. Afterwards, Emmie and I went to Nana’s house for dinner. She had a pot roast in the crock pot, and made all the sides and rolls to go with it.

Jeff was at home with Addie, trying to get her to take a nap, but she was fighting super hard, trying to stay awake, even though he had let her lay down in our bed and watch Mickey Mouse for a little bit. But she did finally fall asleep around 5:15 for a very late afternoon nap, so while Emmie and I ate dinner with Nana & PopPop, they stayed home because she didn’t want to wake up…

But when Emmie and I got back home, we drove up the street to see these cuties out for a little puppy dog walk! (Addie carried her tiny little tote bag of doctor supply toys the whole way.)

Nana sent us home with a bunch of food for Addie and Jeff for dinner, and since Emmie didn’t finish her plate, everyone (except me, since I had already eaten) ate their dinner before bedtime.

Emerson was so tired after a day of camp, and swimming in the afternoon, and gymnastics in the evening, then Nana’s for dinner, and finally a short walk with the doggie. She immediately fell asleep once I got her in her bed, slept right through my prayers and lullabies. Then when I went to leave, I noticed her fan was off and she always wants it on at night. But we have those kind of lights that are controlled by one switch and you have to pull the cord to control the fan/light… But even when I switched on the light for a second before I could pull the cord to turn it back off, she completely slept through it and didn’t even flinch the tiniest bit… And that’s how I know how tired she was, since I even got this photo.

Also, turns out I still had one more package from Prime Day still to come, because this last puzzle showed up on the front porch today. So once I make it through my complicated, cute, vintage citrus puzzle (which I will glue and hang and not re-do over & over), I’ll have a nice little collection of new, cute easy-ish ones to work through.

It’s already past 10pm right now, after a late-ish night doing all the things. So now, it’s almost time for my own bedtime, after a little bit of reading.

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