Charlie Brown

Christmas pajama day at school was adorable! One of Emmie’s little friends was wearing the pants & shirt version of Emmie’s night gown, and they were so excited to see each other and match today.

As we were leaving Addie’s classroom, Emerson was like, “OK, Charlie Brown, you can crawl around now. Bye, Charlie Brown!”

One of my work friends brought me some corn & crab chowder that he made yesterday, and I brought with it my little side salad and some tiny ham sliders to go with it, and this was a great lunch! It was practically like Panera!

Look at all of Emmie’s cute friends in their cute jammies!

And sweet little Addie with that big smile!

After work, Jeff was doing some computer work for some friends out at their house, so the girls and I went to Culver’s with some of the family for dinner.

Baby Addie was completely exhausted, and instantly fell asleep once we were back in the car on the ride home.

And when we got home, Emerson realized she had forgotten to find Sheppy this morning. But she found him right away once she started walking around.

Nana found some white lights on white wire for us, so I strung those around the girls’ white trees tonight. It’s a small short strand, but it really adds a lot of bright light!

Emmie and I were kinda butting heads tonight (when she did what I told her not to and ate a piece of chocolate, tried to be sneaky about it and lied to me), so we had a rough bedtime. It was also made trickier since Jeff wasn’t home yet then, and I still had Addie back there with us the whole time. But we made it through, and I got her calmed down, and we had a little chat about the whole situation.

I promised that I would leave her Christmas lights on and come back later to check on her and give her more loves, and then turn the lights off, after feeding Addie & putting her to bed. So I did that, only to find her completely passed out, upside down in her bed.

So I finished that season of Survivor I started last week, and started up another season. But there’s only two seasons, and I’m wishing there were more, because now I’m hooked on this! I actually dreamed about Survivor a couple of nights ago So, I’m ’bout to cuddle up and watch another episode now, then wash the bottles and head off to bed…

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