Celebratory Snowballs

Emmie and Addie were both little sweethearts this morning as usual, but Emerson was especially excited today, because today was ballet and she got to bring her new leotard and tights to school with her!

After picking up the girls from school this afternoon, we headed to Chick-fil-A for dinner. We had told Emerson she could pick a special treat tonight for after dinner, to celebrate her one-year surgery anniversary. I gave her a list of special dessert treats/places like donuts, ice cream, cake or snowballs. And she chose snowballs! So we had chicken for dinner first, and then headed down to Big Easy Snowballs at Lake Ella.

Emmie and I shared her rainbow snowball, and Addie girl fought sleep valiantly, but ended up giving in eventually and snoozing through the rest of our little adventure.

We got home right at bedtime, so we got the girls both changed into fresh jammies, and started on our usual bedtime routine.

We got Emerson in bed with only a little pushback. I sorted our some of the girls’ laundry to wash, and got that started in the washer. Jeff got Addison’s bottle ready and then fed her while I wrote this post. She didn’t eat much before giving up and falling asleep.

One of us will have to go out to the carport to switch the laundry to the dryer later, and one of us will have to wash up all the bottles. We’re gonna watch some Netflix in the middle of all that, and then head to bed soon.

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